Sanctum is one of the most detrimental league mechanics.

Based on your challenges I doubt you test any yourself (as you barely touched maps), so who told you this?[/quote]
Yeah barely touched map, not like ive been running T16's every day :)
Okay so tell me what are the "other 3" that your money goes brrrr[/quote]
Overwhelming Opposition319/500
Defeat 500 Map Bosses.
Complete Tier 17 maps (1/50)

Your challenges says so. Want my knowledge, what do you offer for my teaching?[/quote]

That's great logic! Someone doesn't have too many challenges means they don't play the game, on affliction i made 2 mirrors and somehow i only had 16 challenges because i didnt need them this badly ^^
Also since you make so much money, have so much knowledge about the game, what am i suppose to "offer you" when you have everything that i don't have, what you expect me to offer you?
robert2003 wrote:
That's great logic! Someone doesn't have too many challenges means they don't play the game, on affliction i made 2 mirrors and somehow i only had 16 challenges because i didnt need them this badly ^^
Also since you make so much money, have so much knowledge about the game, what am i suppose to "offer you" when you have everything that i don't have, what you expect me to offer you?

Not everything in life is transactional.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on Aug 10, 2024, 9:39:10 AM
robert2003 wrote:
Overwhelming Opposition 319/500 Defeat 500 Map Bosses.
Complete Tier 17 maps (1/50)

That's great logic! Someone doesn't have too many challenges means they don't play the game

I'm not pointing out amount of challenges, I'm pointing out you almost didn't run any map, that 1 tier17 is probably purchased boost for map device slot. It is written IN your challenges.

robert2003 wrote:
on affliction i made 2 mirrors and somehow i only had 16 challenges because i didnt need them this badly ^^
Also since you make so much money, have so much knowledge about the game, what am i suppose to "offer you" when you have everything that i don't have, what you expect me to offer you?

In affliction most of us had multiple mirrors, because that league was handling everything to everyone like an item editor, and fortunately it is over.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
drklrd wrote:
There are other ways to make bank, you can also run HOGM's, you can run Delve, Heist, you can do Uber labs.

For instance I did some uber labs and sold ice nova's of frostbolts.

You can do Blight maps and print currency.

You can do Ultimatums and print currency.

You can do Einhar memories of harvest or essence.

The game has never been in a more balanced state than this. All of the above can get you 4d+ per hour with a decent build.

You can do guardian maps, into shaper with Maven influence and print maps, currency, influence items, awakened gems, conqueror exalted orbs.

Sanctum is one of the most detrimental league mechanics to do in Settlers in the sense that it gives 0 gold, which is needed to run the city mechanics.

in what world is 4d+ per hour a decent amount in todays poe ? Most t17, sanctum specific builds etc are printing 15 upwards of 20+ div an hour ?

Dont get me wrong had it been like 4 vs 6 or so div, it would be fine but there are farms out there giving you 5x as many divs an hour or more than the ones you listed and HOGM is also a really specific build strat. Where is simply runnig maps with the things actually on the atlas map and sustaining them yourself ?

I just want to go back to legions, breaches, abyss as a well rounded above average farming strat, now they are far behind.

Nomancs wrote:
robert2003 wrote:
Overwhelming Opposition 319/500 Defeat 500 Map Bosses.
Complete Tier 17 maps (1/50)

That's great logic! Someone doesn't have too many challenges means they don't play the game

I'm not pointing out amount of challenges, I'm pointing out you almost didn't run any map, that 1 tier17 is probably purchased boost for map device slot. It is written IN your challenges.

robert2003 wrote:
on affliction i made 2 mirrors and somehow i only had 16 challenges because i didnt need them this badly ^^
Also since you make so much money, have so much knowledge about the game, what am i suppose to "offer you" when you have everything that i don't have, what you expect me to offer you?

In affliction most of us had multiple mirrors, because that league was handling everything to everyone like an item editor, and fortunately it is over.

I literally said few comments ago that we are forced to run T17's and you proved me right, you said that i dont run maps and that i probably only ran 1 T17, so you proved that you are FORCED to play T17's, wooow youre rich because you run t17s congrats
robert2003 wrote:
I literally said few comments ago that we are forced to run T17's and you proved me right, you said that i dont run maps and that i probably only ran 1 T17, so you proved that you are FORCED to play T17's, wooow youre rich because you run t17s congrats

I only run T16s, never even touched T17, and I'm doing fine for currency.

Have you considered not running empty maps? Have you tried experimenting with other leagues that doesn't benefit directly from magic find? Bestiary was literally pumping out divines for a while after Black Morrigan got nerfed, and all you needed were 3 scarabs (2 herd, 1 duplication).

Don't blame Sanctum, because you don't know how to play PoE after Affliction and magic find got removed. Loot is the same as it has always been, you're just playing on my level now. Welcome to the real PoE experience.

drklrd wrote:
There are other ways to make bank, you can also run HOGM's, you can run Delve, Heist, you can do Uber labs.

For instance I did some uber labs and sold ice nova's of frostbolts.

You can do Blight maps and print currency.

You can do Ultimatums and print currency.

You can do Einhar memories of harvest or essence.

The game has never been in a more balanced state than this. All of the above can get you 4d+ per hour with a decent build.

You can do guardian maps, into shaper with Maven influence and print maps, currency, influence items, awakened gems, conqueror exalted orbs.

Sanctum is one of the most detrimental league mechanics to do in Settlers in the sense that it gives 0 gold, which is needed to run the city mechanics.

This, literally this.

Do something to make your maps occupied with more than just bonus blue mobs and eldritch altars.
PoE players: Our game has a wide diversity of builds.

Also PoE players: The [league mechanic] doesn't need to be nerfed, you just need to play a [current meta] build!

MFers found strength in their Afflictions. They became reliant on them. I am not so foolish.
Last edited by Pizzarugi on Aug 10, 2024, 12:51:04 PM
Sanctum has the right reward ratio for if it was actually a roguelite, but it isn't.

I doubt i'm the only one but I occasionally do a run in the spirit of it but a vast majority of my sanctums are with a character that requires no boons and one shots everything (but not as hexblast mines gtfo GGG for ruining that)

That makes it both extremely safe and extremely lucrative.

If they nerf the rewards it just ruins the concept though, what it really needs is tweaking for a little more mechanical skill and a little less numerical values.
robert2003 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
Overwhelming Opposition 319/500 Defeat 500 Map Bosses.
Complete Tier 17 maps (1/50)

I'm not pointing out amount of challenges, I'm pointing out you almost didn't run any map, that 1 tier17 is probably purchased boost for map device slot. It is written IN your challenges.

I literally said few comments ago that we are forced to run T17's and you proved me right, you said that i dont run maps and that i probably only ran 1 T17, so you proved that you are FORCED to play T17's, wooow youre rich because you run t17s congrats

And you haven't run a single one so how would you know?
What I proved is you base your comments purely on yt videos and clips, as you haven't run any t17 and barely run any other t16 map, thus I conclude you're here only to complain about things you haven't check yourself nor have knowledge about. T16 are full of cash, but you would have to run them (preferably with one of many basic strats) to know that.
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
If the non-unique-to-sanctum rewards are too much then address the drops not so much the mechanic itself pretty please :P

Innocence forgives you
need to make it way harder to trivialize the whole sanctum mechanic, so you cant ever die, bosses might need even more invul in there or something.

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