Sanctum is one of the most detrimental league mechanics.

Being one of the most boring and specialized build farming strats is just so damn annoying and the way it just prints raw currency is also beyond problematic in my eyes, but we had to nerf quantity instead and make killing stuff and most of the normal content simply bad for currency ?

The only thing they should have done was nerf the group quant multiplier, the group abusers love to say that it "isnt that much better" yet do it every league, cause of how op it is to specialize one person on full damage and have the rest be supports with full extra dps and defensives, like aura, curse bots etc. All of this while they juice a map to infinity of 100s of chaos that doesnt scale with the added players, meaning if you are 6 people, you basically save 600c on not having to roll such a map for each player.

Last bumped on Aug 12, 2024, 4:43:27 AM
Yep, this league you have 3 choices, T17 maps with strongboxes to print scarabs and normal loot, or sanctum, or spamming simulacrum
robert2003 wrote:
Yep, this league you have 3 choices, T17 maps with strongboxes to print scarabs and normal loot, or sanctum, or spamming simulacrum

Oh no, I picked other 3 and money go brrrrr.

Based on your challenges I doubt you test any yourself (as you barely touched maps), so who told you this?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 8, 2024, 11:00:01 AM
robert2003 wrote:
Yep, this league you have 3 choices, T17 maps with strongboxes to print scarabs and normal loot, or sanctum, or spamming simulacrum

Not doing any of those and have plenty of currency.

Its funny cause I think in another post people are saying sim is not worth it let me see if I can find it.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
Last edited by Mashgesture on Aug 8, 2024, 11:00:31 AM
Idk but i feel something like sanctum is stupid, it is easy, completely free of any demand on your investment into a build and prints raw currency, not even items.

Compared to t17 that is atrocious and not only that, but t17 is a problem in and of itself, it simply trivialised t16 farming immensely and i gotta say it is still better than sanctum. But should def be toned down to match t16 better and simply be a way to gain bossing fragments and or simply go gain xp in my opinion.

Comparetively every other mechanic in the game requires severe investment into strategies, into your build defensive and offensive wise to succeed, but sanctum is litterally completely busted and you miss out on nothing, hell the amount of people who have gotten 100 from just running it, where dying is litterally impossible is insane.

Compare that to deli, beyond, legions and breaches or boss farming, it is far more imbalanced and should reward less raw currency but have a higher chance at their uniques so that the worth of it is balanced out with the uniques quickly saturating the market if too many farm it.

Nomancs wrote:
robert2003 wrote:
Yep, this league you have 3 choices, T17 maps with strongboxes to print scarabs and normal loot, or sanctum, or spamming simulacrum

Oh no, I picked other 3 and money go brrrrr.

Based on your challenges I doubt you test any yourself (as you barely touched maps), so who told you this?

Yeah barely touched map, not like ive been running T16's every day :)
Okay so tell me what are the "other 3" that your money goes brrrr
robert2003 wrote:
Nomancs wrote:
robert2003 wrote:
Yep, this league you have 3 choices, T17 maps with strongboxes to print scarabs and normal loot, or sanctum, or spamming simulacrum

Oh no, I picked other 3 and money go brrrrr.

Based on your challenges I doubt you test any yourself (as you barely touched maps), so who told you this?

Yeah barely touched map, not like ive been running T16's every day :)
Okay so tell me what are the "other 3" that your money goes brrrr

Overwhelming Opposition319/500
Defeat 500 Map Bosses.
Complete Tier 17 maps (1/50)

Your challenges says so. Want my knowledge, what do you offer for my teaching?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.
Last edited by Nomancs on Aug 9, 2024, 5:29:52 PM
There are other ways to make bank, you can also run HOGM's, you can run Delve, Heist, you can do Uber labs.

For instance I did some uber labs and sold ice nova's of frostbolts.

You can do Blight maps and print currency.

You can do Ultimatums and print currency.

You can do Einhar memories of harvest or essence.

The game has never been in a more balanced state than this. All of the above can get you 4d+ per hour with a decent build.

You can do guardian maps, into shaper with Maven influence and print maps, currency, influence items, awakened gems, conqueror exalted orbs.

Sanctum is one of the most detrimental league mechanics to do in Settlers in the sense that it gives 0 gold, which is needed to run the city mechanics.

A fact is a statement that can be supported to be true or false by data or evidence. In contrast, an opinion is a personal expression of a person’s feelings or thoughts that may or may not be based in data.
Nomancs wrote:
Want my knowledge, what do you offer for my teaching?

"Sanctum minigame is too good for too little effort"
"I am a god and you suck and I only had to play 12h daily since launch for my 36 challenges"

I agree on the Mancs though lol

Frankly I don't see the relevance that people can make a spot of currency by other means. Good stuff for you. I've been able to make a very, very tiny pile of currency playing 3-4 hours daily off-meta and on the bad EU server options.

A tiny pile of currency is worth very little though. A ring that previously cost current solo play equivalent of 40c now cost a base 2 divs even with 1-2 stats tier 3-6.

I strongly agree the game should not be balanced around Grouped play, however.
Playin melee with distant damage, but i just can not see damage coming from out of the screen or when there are 12314e+10 effects on my screen - recognize what i shall dodge and where to move, so i just recieve damage i was not able to see and it's infair.

If teyll remove that hp replacement bar, maybe i will play sanctum more than once every league. But now itsa pure nono place for me. I feel that this content s quite build speciphic (for people with pets or totems or those that can clear enemies offscreen) and it's not fair, so i feel that it is really bad design.


I just hate selecting debuffs. It might be awesome when you just have really dangerous dungeon and you trying to gather buffs to beat it. But when you trying not to gather debuffs.. dunnooooo with that i feel that i can spend my whole life just avoiding that content.
Last edited by E_luna on Aug 10, 2024, 3:08:56 AM

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