My thoughts on the state of POE atm

first off this is my opinion and i dont know how many people share the same veiw

diversity in grinding maps, now that we have scarabs that work well together we need all strats to be close to equal, as it is right now there is a few viable strats to farm then the rest is not even worth doing

t17 grinding has ruined t16 for the most part, imo t17 should be like guardian maps where you just wanna rush the boss because there is no insentive to grind there due to bad layout and no currency/map/scarab bonus

loot, dont even get me started on loot t16 loot to be specific.. its basicly gone feels bad to grind unless you go t17 and even then the state of drops is worse than ever..
i think we as poe players enjoy building up our characters so they can handle hardcore maps like we had in Affliction League, and on top of that actually have reward scale with difficulty, i do understand that Affliction league was BROKEN but now the wisps are worth nothing in maps

allso i would like to say there are some things i like, like the real meta shake up this league, the league mechanic seems okay tho a little bit lackluster just like drops in maps.

1 last thing i feel like what they are doing is anchoring. putting loot as low as possible so we get mad then they will give us 10-30% back and people will be happy cuz its more.. and this is not the first time they have done it tho i cannot say if they did it intentionally

a little rant by
Last bumped on Aug 8, 2024, 4:27:45 PM
1: I almost started listing what league mechanic works. Then i stopped myself and there is actually none that DON'T work, all of them are profitable and used.

2:My dude, few guys running t17 don't make a dent in economy.
There was 3 million chaos orbs on buyout on power runes day2 to day3 of league
Yes 15k orders per 170-200c
I Don't think you can wrap your head around it, some trash rune that nobody knows it's worth anything, had top 5 buyouts show that there are 3million chaos orb put to buy out these orbs.
And nobody knew they where supper rare, imagine how many chaos orbs where put to buy out divines, some guy dropping little bit of loot in t17 is literally spec of dust in economy.

3:alc & go was always like this.
Spec and invest into mechanics, you literally cannot lose currency unless you brick map.
Start essence or legion or blight.
End with 8modded corrupted maps, where you put Fortune favours the brave enhanced to cost 12c, spec every league mechanic, use the node to reroll 8 modded maps into 9-12 modded maps with random mods, with beyond and 5+ league mechanics per map.
Your maps will have 300quant 150rarity, and 100% packsize.
And you need a strong character and loot drops crazy good in t16, just spend 20c per map...
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
tw3tye wrote:
1: I almost started listing what league mechanic works. Then i stopped myself and there is actually none that DON'T work, all of them are profitable and used.

2:My dude, few guys running t17 don't make a dent in economy.
There was 3 million chaos orbs on buyout on power runes day2 to day3 of league
Yes 15k orders per 170-200c
I Don't think you can wrap your head around it, some trash rune that nobody knows it's worth anything, had top 5 buyouts show that there are 3million chaos orb put to buy out these orbs.
And nobody knew they where supper rare, imagine how many chaos orbs where put to buy out divines, some guy dropping little bit of loot in t17 is literally spec of dust in economy.

3:alc & go was always like this.
Spec and invest into mechanics, you literally cannot lose currency unless you brick map.
Start essence or legion or blight.
End with 8modded corrupted maps, where you put Fortune favours the brave enhanced to cost 12c, spec every league mechanic, use the node to reroll 8 modded maps into 9-12 modded maps with random mods, with beyond and 5+ league mechanics per map.
Your maps will have 300quant 150rarity, and 100% packsize.
And you need a strong character and loot drops crazy good in t16, just spend 20c per map...

120% quant map
Blue altars
5k wisps
and i got 20c of loot, but sure bro youre right, theres so much loot in the maps, sorry i didnt get the map to 200% quant so i could have gotten 25c of loot ^^
tw3tye wrote:
1: I almost started listing what league mechanic works. Then i stopped myself and there is actually none that DON'T work, all of them are profitable and used.

2:My dude, few guys running t17 don't make a dent in economy.
There was 3 million chaos orbs on buyout on power runes day2 to day3 of league
Yes 15k orders per 170-200c
I Don't think you can wrap your head around it, some trash rune that nobody knows it's worth anything, had top 5 buyouts show that there are 3million chaos orb put to buy out these orbs.
And nobody knew they where supper rare, imagine how many chaos orbs where put to buy out divines, some guy dropping little bit of loot in t17 is literally spec of dust in economy.

3:alc & go was always like this.
Spec and invest into mechanics, you literally cannot lose currency unless you brick map.
Start essence or legion or blight.
End with 8modded corrupted maps, where you put Fortune favours the brave enhanced to cost 12c, spec every league mechanic, use the node to reroll 8 modded maps into 9-12 modded maps with random mods, with beyond and 5+ league mechanics per map.
Your maps will have 300quant 150rarity, and 100% packsize.
And you need a strong character and loot drops crazy good in t16, just spend 20c per map...

Sure i see what you are saying tho i dont do alch and go i play 8 mod maps with fully invested league mechs both solo and in duo party, tho i have not tryed the 9-12 modded maps you are refering to and might try it

and im not saying economy is ruined due to t17 im saying for endgame grind t17 is just better and imo it should not be insentivised to play t17 like this, take ambush as an example they are so much better in t17 its not even funny

1: I almost started listing what league mechanic works. Then i stopped myself and there is actually none that DON'T work, all of them are profitable and used.

this is just bs dude come on, you cannot think the state of breach atm can compare to legion

to be fair im playing everyday so its not like i hate the game just merly stating things i dislike about the game
Last edited by xenstar on Aug 8, 2024, 10:11:56 AM
robert2003 wrote:

120% quant map
Blue altars
5k wisps
and i got 20c of loot, but sure bro youre right, theres so much loot in the maps, sorry i didnt get the map to 200% quant so i could have gotten 25c of loot ^^

indeed what im trying to say some things are just bad rn :)
xenstar wrote:
tw3tye wrote:
1: I almost started listing what league mechanic works. Then i stopped myself and there is actually none that DON'T work, all of them are profitable and used.

this is just bs dude come on, you cannot think the state of breach atm can compare to legion

to be fair im playing everyday so its not like i hate the game just merly stating things i dislike about the game

I leveled to 100 using breaches. I called it "Breachmania" The scarabs costed 0.5c per scarab, you put 5 scarabs in. The map costs 2.5c + whatever you roll the map for.

You atlass for breach to open MAX SPEED, as fast as possible, it opens and closes fast.
You spec almost all breach nodes, you get scarabs to drop.

You invite 6 players, cause it's not about "loot" it's about XP and there is TOO MANY MONSTERS...

You proceed to gauntlet 15-20 breaches per map.

Each breach overlaps 2 other breaches. If you keep opening 1 breach every 10-15sec.

You get 3x the best xp in game. It's better then chayula breachstones, t16 uniq map with lvl100 monsters etc.

All you need is public party and some people to join, because more people = more xp.
Any other mechanic that's bad?
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
tw3tye wrote:
Any other mechanic that's bad?

yes plenty

dont think you've seen people run 11 mod 80% deli t17 yet, i do only 9 mod due to shit build but i dont mind that

what i do mind is the fact that abyss breach beyond ghost strongbox even div cards suck in t16 maps overall mechs that where good due to drops in past leagues have taken a heavy hit last couple leagues

so you can try to tell me oh i leveled to 100 with this but at the end of the day there is a huge gap between the mechanics

but hey if you are happy with how every mechanic works in the game now i will let you be happy with it :)
Last edited by xenstar on Aug 8, 2024, 11:05:54 AM
xenstar wrote:
tw3tye wrote:
Any other mechanic that's bad?

yes plenty
what i do mind is the fact that abyss breach beyond ghost strongbox even div cards...

Just sold 6 slot abyss jewel for 300c. Sold hundred of 6 slot abyss jewels cause i run 6 slot abyss jewels on atlass since league start, very good currency, just ID it and throw it into a 15-50c stash tab.

Early in league ANY weapon with abyss jewel socket, sells for 1-2 div. Because energy blade users PAY huge money for them.

The strongboxes are arguably the best farming start. Guaranteed good gold, if you get divination/arcanist strongbox you can make big profits.
I personally dropped 2x mageblood cards from divination stronbox this league, and i ran maybe 50 maps with strongboxes, i died to DD box and i unspeced it while leveling to 100.

For ghosts, i don't know what they are running but i sold bulk scarabs for tormented spirits and they paid 3x the price for bulk. So there is deffinitelly start that makes profits. experiment?
All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
xenstar wrote:

1 last thing i feel like what they are doing is anchoring. putting loot as low as possible so we get mad then they will give us 10-30% back and people will be happy cuz its more.. and this is not the first time they have done it tho i cannot say if they did it intentionally

a little rant by

Loot is literally the same since the last couple of leagues, but I can't stress enough how important it is to remind people that affliction league is long long over lol
Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
Pashid wrote:

Loot is literally the same since the last couple of leagues, but I can't stress enough how important it is to remind people that affliction league is long long over lol

oh yes i know tho does not change the fact they nerfed it over last many leagues then they give us a bit back just to nerf again

affliction was fun but way to broken but at the same time this league is way to dull
Last edited by xenstar on Aug 8, 2024, 2:29:11 PM

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