GGG- Please REVERT recombinators to their FORMER glory

There is 0 low tier mods on any of these items. They look like ground loot tbh
TwinTurboNos wrote:
There is 0 low tier mods on any of these items. They look like ground loot tbh

You really trying to talk down on that gear? Look it your char and your gear then tell me what's better?

I can talk about your entire progress just by looking at your POB.

You don't know how recombinators work at all do you?

You haven't a clue on how to isolate a mod? On how to make a 100% into the second item do you?

No you don't.

You likely blind smash Y and X hoping they all become T1 and go OH MY GOD IT'S NURFED SUPER HARD! It's USELESS!

No not even remotely.

Until you have experience in both crafting in general your argument is void.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 6, 2024, 8:09:55 PM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
TwinTurboNos wrote:
There is 0 low tier mods on any of these items. They look like ground loot tbh

You really trying to talk down on that gear? Look it your char and your gear then tell me what's better?

I can talk about your entire progress just by looking at your POB.

You don't know how recombinators work at all do you?

You haven't a clue on how to isolate a mod? On how to make a 100% into the second item do you?

No you don't.

You likely blind smash Y and X hoping they all become T1 and go OH MY GOD IT'S NURFED SUPER HARD! It's USELESS!

No not even remotely.

Until you have experience in both crafting in general your argument is void.

Do you not know how elitist that last sentence comes across? So basically what you're saying is only you and a few others are allowed to have an opinion on the forum... Nice.

I almost don't even want to weigh in on the banality of a "your gear = the value of your opinion" based argument. Why is it always the profile divers? So let me get this straight: anyone who swipes a credit card right now and links some mirror worthy recomb items wins the argument then right?

I mean at least think it through to the first most obvious logical flaw ffs.

LOL this also means that anyone who's been unlucky but spent every waking hour and just failed, automatically loses the argument because they have bad gear. No point here its just that the reasoning is super hilarious.

But whatever; the idea that only people who can no life the game get to have an opinion on how good or bad a crafting system works; Is offensive and condescending and seems like deliberate provocation to me. Provoking is supposed to be against TOS right?

Its also a nice statement about just who GGG caters their crafting systems to.

"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Last edited by alhazred70 on Aug 6, 2024, 8:54:40 PM
You don't even play the league nor do you have any experience in crafting or in general you have no argument against me other then ''YOU SWIPE THE CARD'' Without PROOF!


You can have an opinion as long as you understand mechanics such crafting which yourself and the OP do not have obviously.
You can talk shit even as long as you know what you're saying.

There is no being elitist this is called being truthful.
Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 6, 2024, 9:02:41 PM
Coconutdoggy wrote:
You don't even play the league nor do you have any experience in crafting or in general you have no argument against me other then ''YOU SWIPE THE CARD'' Without PROOF!


You can have an opinion as long as you understand mechanics such crafting which yourself and the OP do not have obviously.
You can talk shit even as long as you know what you're saying.

There is no being elitist this is called being truthful.

I didn't accuse or even insinuate, why so defensive? They were examples and not accusations. Adopt insult if you like. I can't stop you.
I just recognize that having a fat amount of free time, or a fat wallet are both win conditions for POE along with speed and efficient strats ofc.

Getting lucky or unlucky with gear has less than nothing to do with the validity of someone opinion, and makes a really poor argument. Not sure why this is hard to understand. But it does seem to be a hallmark of people who profile dive to compare their gear to the person they disagree with.

I am playing the league BTW and enjoying it, limited free time though and messing around with some ideas nothing grabbing me yet. I just wanted to point out the really obvious logical flaw in trying to gatekeep who gets to have an opinion based on what gear they currently have.
"only 10% of players care about melee" - Aesop's Fox if he was a GGG dev
"when you die in this game, typically you're getting one shot, you're dieing in one frame; almost always" -Ben_
Coconutdoggy wrote:
TwinTurboNos wrote:
There is 0 low tier mods on any of these items. They look like ground loot tbh

You really trying to talk down on that gear? Look it your char and your gear then tell me what's better?

I can talk about your entire progress just by looking at your POB.

You don't know how recombinators work at all do you?

You haven't a clue on how to isolate a mod? On how to make a 100% into the second item do you?

No you don't.

You likely blind smash Y and X hoping they all become T1 and go OH MY GOD IT'S NURFED SUPER HARD! It's USELESS!

No not even remotely.

Until you have experience in both crafting in general your argument is void.

Firstly, my character in league is purposely kept on the lowest gears possible so that it can clear menagerie and ubers. That's all it needs to do for me. Talking about crafting experience, I think I have you beat by millions of miles lol.

I will try and be as respectful as I can with my reply by stating some facts not to sway away from the original post.

1. The gears you linked have 0 low weight mods. If you think creating ground loot through recombinators is end game crafting then by all means go for it.

2. Recombinators are in a terrible, atrocious and ridiculous state.

There's a reason no high-end crafter is even doing ANY recombs anymore. They are broken and useless. You cannot transfer any low weight mods anymore they simply get deleted.

Do you think 1/40 for keeping 2 out of 3 t1 phys mods is ok? Not to mention the only mod that stayed each time is the highest weight mod ( Flat phys ).
This was done on spine bows with flaring + bases with merciless and dictators.
I am assuming you know what these are, hopefully.

We have tested them both in standard and league. Multiple of the high-end crafters have tested this also and everyone knows and agrees that there is something wrong with them.

They should have been kept the same.

As of right now, forget about attempting anything relatively good. Your items will get destroyed.

Last edited by TwinTurboNos on Aug 7, 2024, 3:43:43 AM
Out of 6 tries of recombinator it didn't match 2 properties even once. This is a scam, make it better please.
lets make recombinator great again!

ggg srsly do it!
I can confirm, I have done over 40+ Merciless or Dictator Phys bases. Those mods didn't survive one recomb. Tried multiple of different combos to try improve success (Magic/Rare) (Influneced/Non) etc to improve odds of those mods combining. EVERY recomb, NEITHER mod ever survives.
Why don't ask for item editor?
Biggest compliments for my crafted items - "bs, they must have been RMT'ed"

I'm disabled, I have rare case of semperduravera, so I can write things that may look rude, but it is because of disability - I'm forced to tell truth using words you may not like.

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