GGG- Please REVERT recombinators to their FORMER glory

Let's make some noise on it !

The current state of recombinators is VERY bad and it's also a core update of the 3.25 update !

Here are 3 simple reasons on why they need to be reverted / buffed to what they used to be.

They do not work as intended; They constantly delete good mods and are basicly obsolete when it comes to crafting anything decent unless you want to RIP your items. They are completely broken and it feels like it's completely bugged. They do not work as intented.

They are a core mechanic of the 3.25 update; Make them work normally like they used to. It was already a gamble and it took some currency to prepare 2 proper bases. There was a science to it and ultimately it was still a gamble even with knowing the approximate odds.

With the current state; they completely destroy on what I consider HIGH-END crafting in POE.

Standard is in a terrible state right now. You cannot recomb fractured mods, legacy mods etc. This is so much fun and gave lots of players incentive to grind league to attempt crazy items in standard ! The feedback received from the standard community is atrocious.

What is the reason for nerfing them in such a way? With POE 2 around the corner, let us have some fun !

To conclude; please revise recombinators they are a core mechanic that should not be neglected and if we have a good system in place; the player retention will be MUCH better. Just revert them to exactly what they were in the past ! Let's go GGG !
Last bumped on Aug 11, 2024, 4:19:55 AM
I too was hyped for recombinators.
They where similar to having OG harvest. Way overpowered.

But after using it, testing what it works on...
Spent like 8 hours feeding it items.
Spent like 1250k gold(Yes million 250k)
And about 20 divines buying 1-2c items like +1 wand, fractures, influences.

IT LANDED 0. 0 recombinations. 0. Absolutely 0. Zero, Zilch, Nada. NONE landed. never did two +1 wands combine. Never did fracture transfer, never did influence transfer from one base to another. Never did two high mods from both item end up on end item.

The recombinator is just deleting item.
At best it's a annul orb for ~6k gold.

It's like 90% to take base item of higher item level.
And then return that item with half of it's mods.

So if you want to half annul your item, you can go to act1 buy random vendor garbage and smash it together.

As friend pointed out as i was 4 hours in, "Look who made the recombinator, it's Isla the chick from Heist which everything she made disfunctions and explodes"

All my energy goes to farm DW Daggers! BUFF MELEE!!1!1
Sounds to me like they're working exactly as intended.

You just misunderstood what that intent was.
3.18 recombinator was a bit TOO good. It needed a few specific changes:

-It cannot produce multiple fractured modifiers
-It cannot take corrupted or mirrored items
-It cannot take influenced mods willy nilly, original limitations of 2 influences (awakener's orbed item) remain.

Rest of the functionality should remain as it was. Perhaps add a slider where you can dump more dust for more chance of good outcome.

Instead it was nerfed to the ground and it's useless.
Let's go GGG. Fix them !!
They should just restore them to how they were and make it so that you can't generate double fractured bases. Everything else can be solved through rng - as is they are a glorified "reforge more likely" and even those results are questionable.

Total letdown.
No way, 2 fractured items are too op
Offit I don't think you understand, they don't work currently. They are bugged.

Fracs or no fracs, they do not work as intended. The league needs to be saved without proper recombs and crafting ; the game is dead.
DISCLAIMER: Author has not played Sentinel league and so has no idea how these thingies looked back then.

With that out of the way, Author also cannot assert recombinators overall uselessness. Author did get some satisfactory results, a lot less satisfactory, but Author checked - yes, it's still the same gamblers' game, so nothing out of the ordinary.

BUT: Author has reason to assume in good faith that the assumptions of others regarding a certain thing might be correct. Which is about apparently weighting of mod rarity being a thing when it comes to selecting from the mod pool. Meaning rarer mods are less likely to be retained in the outcome.

And THIS simply fucks the whole idea up. As it means Chaos Orb Spam will have a better overall chance to give you the exact mod combinations you want than anything going through three or more recombines, or something like that.

Unless, of course, you'd prefer more common mods. Then everythi...

...oops. See above - Chaos Spam might still win that one. And if not, it'll just be by a mrgin.

Author believes the main purpose of something called a 'recombinator' should be to purposefully recombine stuff, on purpose.

If its set up to actually hinder that quite explicit purpose...

...then Author advocates for a league expansion - add some Chicken Farms to Kingsmarch. The money would be better spend on trying to introduce Gallus domesticus into Wraeclast's economy to, hopefully, one distant glorious day, get those &%§#$ Maraketh to abandon their !!&%'$& Rhoas. We might get more from that.

Author also, of course, thanks everyone for reading who actually did it. The others who skimmyskipped from one buzzword to the next...

How did you even? There are no buzzwords in there.. .; :;)
"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
TwinTurboNos wrote:
Offit I don't think you understand, they don't work currently. They are bugged.

Fracs or no fracs, they do not work as intended. The league needs to be saved without proper recombs and crafting ; the game is dead.

bugged? lmao

These are all Recombs.

I've also made some nasty axes as well.

They're not bugged in anyway shape or form it's just NOT instantly going to give you what you want most of the time.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr

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