The more you play, The worse it gets

BndrIPL wrote:
yetagainAGAIN wrote:
Everything is dandy in NZ. The numbers are there, they don't give a flying f*ck that a lot of players actually have a bad experience with both the league/the core game. If they would there would be communication and "what we are working on" posts. The fact that there is a total absence of exactly that speaks for itself.

I haven't played this league but being in the game for over 10 years (joined in 2013) i lean out the window and assume I know what I'm talking about.

And that means, the above User yetagainAGAIN is correct. GGG's decisions and especially their balancing department has been ludicrous for the last 5-6 years, the game has been only really god right in 2013-2014.

The game hasnt been rewarding or enjoyable in years, always the same old. The only things that keep stacking is difficult things to kill the player.

But each and every vendor mechanic or league mechanic is just too nerfed, too hard, especially early game.

GGG doesn't realize that constant repetition and constant difficulty increase is just driving people away, and causes others to stagnate.

PoE has become a hard game to play, because of all the loot nerfs, currency nerfs, and people get older, they don't have the time to play 12-14 hours a day anymore.

How can this be fixed? By upsetting the hardcore fans, and making the game p*ss easy. That's the only way to fix the issues. But right now, as mentioned, its too unrewarding to be worth the difficult journey.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. The next thing is: return to 2013, when EVERY skill, EVERY class could reach endgame.

Yup, that right. No more metas needed. The only thing needed, is skill at playing, you can reach lvl 100 with split arrow. You could in 2013, without any monetary investment, but now, you need expensive gear and then MAYBE it could work.

Another example? You could make a totem witch using melee totems and reach high level maps. That's right. A witch using melee totems. Then GGG decided to nerf melee totem into the ground. And thus, melee totem witch was dead.

Another example? Cleave+Frenzy Ranger with max attack speed was a god killer. Then Ranger and Melee got nerfed, and Melee Cleave+Frenzy Ranger was no more.

GGG have just destroyed the game. It's a meta fest now, and not what it used to be - any class with any skill can beat the game, easily.

Such a shame to see such a good game being driven into the ground by its development team.

+fucking1!!! I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree!
yetagainAGAIN wrote:
The next thing is: return to 2013, when EVERY skill, EVERY class could reach endgame.

This is the thing that baffles me the most. Instead of buffing underperforming skills and classes, they continuously nerf the few working builds trying to shift the meta.

That's right. Instead of buffing underperforming/trash skills and classes, they nerf working skills and classes. It's completely backwards. If they don't want people to use the countless underperforming/trash skills, just remove them from the game already.

Quite frankly, it's insanity to me. I've been waiting YEARS hoping they'd buff those skills/classes but nope, just more nerfs and more one-shot mobs and mechanics.

It just makes me shake my head in disbelief and disappointment.

The nerfs will continue until morale improves.
Last edited by Rippster on Aug 5, 2024, 10:42:09 AM
I will say the start of the league was very fun. When my town was sub 5 level keeping up with the gold costs was very easy/comfortable. I enjoyed researching min/max shipping and the town as a whole.

However once I put my head down to max everything out, my game experience nose dived. Now I am experiencing big time FOMO, and just having to alch and go maps skipping league mechanics. Blasting t16 maps to keep up the gold churn is the only viable strat.

Not to mention when you couple that with the ground drop nerfs, well I can’t say im having a lot of fun.

I know there are super strats and exploits where people are printing currency, but I generate most of my fun and loot off of just casual mapping on the weekends. I have 2 kids and full time job so week day play is limited. This league really punishes players in my situation.

Hate to say this but I have s5 in Diablo 4 is good. If not I’ll just struggle bus in settlers hoping I win the lottery with a good drop.

Great league concept/idea, but poorly executed and balanced. IMHO
The only real problem is that you can't play the game anymore without performance issues in the endgame with an average/okish PC because there is to much stuff going on that eats ressources. I am looking at you Blight!...

Other than that the game is very rewarding and nothing drives players away. On the contrary. Another peak league start for them. The news were positiv: "11 year old game breaks personal best player numbers" and so on... do you think this is normal?
Still 165k on today, this was peak at league start day one year ago...

Also i find it hard to believe that you cannot enjoy the game in yellow maps with a half upgraded town if you have to work a lot and take care of your family. I mean wtf is every person that logs in 1h in the evening supposed to have everything in the game? It doesn't work that way

Also if you have to choose between door 1 where you get a refrigerator worth 1k$ or door 2 where you get a Ferrari, why would you choose door 1? Play a goddamn build that can handle endgame on a budget and not some sentimental obsolete historic build loaded with weird uniques. It's your choice^^
Adambjjoz wrote:
CoopSterner wrote:
A developer who takes orders from the players is effectively a servant.

A developer who ignores customers is soon to be unemployed.

Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
As someone who has been playing for 12+ hours a day this whole league, I wholeheartedly agree with everything in this post.
The title just about sums up my experience with poe. The more I played, the less fun it became. The more I played, the more I realized, game just doesnt value my time. It became more and more evident with each league I played - challenges got more and more grindy, economy got fucked earlier and got fucked more. Fewer and fewer builds to try, due to league mechanics setting the bar too high. And so on.

And yet, the player spike at this league is through the roof. So the studio must be doing it right (according to the metrics they care about anyway). Just not right for me.

I do have a few weeks to no life in this league, but I prefer spending time on things where I see results.
“We are the race of flesh, We are the race of lovers.”
Theocretus wrote:
Very disappointed

Yes, deeply, I'm stuck between two walls, I want to farm koz I love my build in another hand I know I will drop nothing, so I want to play but at the same time I feel useless to log in my toon 😶
Yup, the more effort I put into this sinkhole of a town the more disappointed I get. (@ ~10k gold/hr, ~2M shipments)

Make POE fun again.
I'm not really disagreeing with all the points here but i do find it amusing that OP is simultaneously complaining about gold sustain and map runners being useless next to each other.

Almost like the solution is there all along

Whats more guys there is a difference between designing passive income and designing an idler and they walked the line between the two by letting you run a lean town for ages or a high passive income for a much shorter duration.

You might think its shit but that's probably because you just want full power all the time forgetting that whenever you get full power all the time GGG just remove the scope and set it straight back to average anyway. Variance is what allows power its how design works.

That being said plenty of improvements to be made with Kingsmarch and I do share the sentiment that they should have a what we are working on thread. I haven't personally had problem with ground drops compared to past leagues but enough players have mentioned it that I can believe it needs looking at too especially vs T17s.

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