The more you play, The worse it gets

I'll just support what everyone says here,

A lot of problems have been told about gold, way too low gold per side content, and even per classical mapping, so my strat is to keep every worker low, which makes rewards per hour very low.

So I sustain it easily...but I won't get anything worthwhile. And if you do the opposite, you become enslaved to farming gold.
Feeling punished for upgrading stuff is just ridiculous design.

Zizaran said that recombinator is ****ed. It basically recombines way too rarely.

Even worse, classical mapping has severe loot nerf, clearly to makes us forced to use gold in Kingsmarch, but we shouldn't feel forced to do this to compensate for a unbalanced classical gameplay, league should be fun because they add something juicy to vanilla PoE. And that's not the case.
This game has always felt like someone made a game to punish gamers and people keep playing ? I come back every 4 or 5 leagues just to see if GGG will do the right thing and let the game be and they always promise and NEVER do ! I hope POE 2 is free because with the lvl of lying from this company no way I buy it !
blueeyedevil wrote:
This game has always felt like someone made a game to punish gamers and people keep playing ? I come back every 4 or 5 leagues just to see if GGG will do the right thing and let the game be and they always promise and NEVER do ! I hope POE 2 is free because with the lvl of lying from this company no way I buy it !

I won’t say that now poe is not a bubble that can burst with poe 2. GGG has been testing patience of their community for more than 2 years now, doing a bunch of crap leagues that take a long time and don’t change for a long time, just doing nasty things and not listening to the players, adding amenities, which asked for them to be added as ideas in 2020.

I see the same picture in games like escape from tarkov and dota 2.

This league could be the best cause league mechanic fantastic, but this candy is in such a rotten shell that it makes me sick to play. I feel bad when play t17 cause those mods s*cls
Offfit wrote:
blueeyedevil wrote:
This game has always felt like someone made a game to punish gamers and people keep playing ? I come back every 4 or 5 leagues just to see if GGG will do the right thing and let the game be and they always promise and NEVER do ! I hope POE 2 is free because with the lvl of lying from this company no way I buy it !

I won’t say that now poe is not a bubble that can burst with poe 2. GGG has been testing patience of their community for more than 2 years now, doing a bunch of crap leagues that take a long time and don’t change for a long time, just doing nasty things and not listening to the players, adding amenities, which asked for them to be added as ideas in 2020.

I see the same picture in games like escape from tarkov and dota 2.

This league could be the best cause league mechanic fantastic, but this candy is in such a rotten shell that it makes me sick to play. I feel bad when play t17 cause those mods s*cls

A developer who takes orders from the players is effectively a servant.
CoopSterner wrote:
Offfit wrote:
blueeyedevil wrote:
This game has always felt like someone made a game to punish gamers and people keep playing ? I come back every 4 or 5 leagues just to see if GGG will do the right thing and let the game be and they always promise and NEVER do ! I hope POE 2 is free because with the lvl of lying from this company no way I buy it !

I won’t say that now poe is not a bubble that can burst with poe 2. GGG has been testing patience of their community for more than 2 years now, doing a bunch of crap leagues that take a long time and don’t change for a long time, just doing nasty things and not listening to the players, adding amenities, which asked for them to be added as ideas in 2020.

I see the same picture in games like escape from tarkov and dota 2.

This league could be the best cause league mechanic fantastic, but this candy is in such a rotten shell that it makes me sick to play. I feel bad when play t17 cause those mods s*cls

A developer who takes orders from the players is effectively a servant.

Players or customers? At some level, a business has to provide a modicum of service to retain customers. A developer, who sets out to create a product, ostensibly for consumption, has to cater somewhat to the people the product is intended to be consumed by, unless this is not a videogame, trying to earn income by selling something. Which is sort of a convoluted thing here, it's player retention they need to sell cosmetics and stash tabs. So the balance they need is to keep people playing long enough and feeling good enough that they buy something or several things. I dunno about the buying habits of others, but I buy more stuff on the leagues I liked to play, because I was playing them more.

If GGG is actually creating some piece of modern art here though, then yeah, they might as well do whatever they want. But if they are somewhere on the spectrum between artists and salespeople, then yeah, they should probably be taking something like orders at least some of the time, or less people buy the glowies and then it's just some sweaty tryhards all by themselves without any content.
CoopSterner wrote:
A developer who takes orders from the players is effectively a servant.

A developer who ignores customers is soon to be unemployed.
Last edited by Adambjjoz on Aug 5, 2024, 3:10:54 AM
Players or customers? At some level, a business has to provide a modicum of service to retain customers. A developer, who sets out to create a product, ostensibly for consumption, has to cater somewhat to the people the product is intended to be consumed by, unless this is not a videogame, trying to earn income by selling something. Which is sort of a convoluted thing here, it's player retention they need to sell cosmetics and stash tabs. So the balance they need is to keep people playing long enough and feeling good enough that they buy something or several things. I dunno about the buying habits of others, but I buy more stuff on the leagues I liked to play, because I was playing them more.

If GGG is actually creating some piece of modern art here though, then yeah, they might as well do whatever they want. But if they are somewhere on the spectrum between artists and salespeople, then yeah, they should probably be taking something like orders at least some of the time, or less people buy the glowies and then it's just some sweaty tryhards all by themselves without any content.

When a valued customer ends up calling the shots, it stunts the developer's creativity and prevents them from taking pride in their expertise.

If most of the sales were assumed to have been made during the pre-patch hype phase then player retention is likely to be seen as a strict negative due to running costs outweighing the trickling dollars.

Adambjjoz wrote:
A developer who ignores customers is soon to be unemployed.

They already shutdown all communication years ago. Now these unemployed dead gaem developers are attending Gamescom and PAX West in a few weeks.
Over 10 days in this league

I run maps with eater of world altars 200 IQ and more = 0 divine orb in maps

Strong boxes, 36 chaos investment / maps = 4 chaos loot ?!

League mechanic, shipment value 1 million = 3 chaos
2 million = 12 chaos and trash WOw !
12 chaos for 1h40mn trip ! Amazing !

Catarina farm, 10 tries = 2 veiled orbs Xd

I cannot even finish my build, I'm very disguted of this league, no loots kill the fun and does not make me want to continue, I run maps again and again and get no rewards, what's the point ? GGG said just 'Alch & Go' it's RNG, did they mean 'Random Nothing Generated' ? 😅
Last edited by Xandharba on Aug 5, 2024, 7:55:16 AM
Xandharba wrote:
Over 10 days in this league

I run maps with eater of world altars 200 IQ and more = 0 divine orb in maps

Strong boxes, 36 chaos investment / maps = 4 chaos loot ?!

League mechanic, shipment value 1 million = 3 chaos
2 million = 12 chaos and trash WOw !
12 chaos for 1h40mn trip ! Amazing !

Catarina farm, 10 tries = 2 veiled orbs Xd

I cannot even finish my build, I'm very disguted of this league, no loots kill the fun and does not make me want to continue, I run maps again and again and get no rewards, what's the point ? GGG said just 'Alch & Go' it's RNG, did they mean 'Random Nothing Generated' ? 😅

Agreed! I want to play my favorite game, but it just doesn't feel worth it right now. I started during Crucible league and this is by FAR the worst this game has felt for me since I started. I have hardly logged in for days. Very disappointed. And I'm worried they're not going to buff or fix these issues, since there's been no word from the developers about these GLARING issues everyone is reporting.

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