The more you play, The worse it gets


When league started I was excited for new league mechanics, especialy upgrading town, ship and mappers loot (3 pages full of curency shown in video btw)

But the more I play, the more I discover that this league is too punishing, especialy for average players.

1) Gold drops are really bad
- I am now playing 8 mod T16 juiced maps with strongboxes and only get about 10-15k gold / map. This just isnt enough to maintain town workin. I really dont enjoy to play maps 24/7 only to be able to secure enough gold for workers. If you dont play juiced maps, you dont even have chance to gather enough gold.. forcing you to play just one type of content.

2) Ship / Mappers rewards are joke
- So you are gathering gold all day to maintain town only to find out, you get trash loot, no matter what value / combination of items you do.. Yeah, sure you will get divine from 1 out 20-30 ships.. Congratz..
I am not even speaking about mappers dying 24/7 even in low risk maps while their cost is absolutely ridiculous.

3) Recruitment
- So you spend 100k gold to max out main building in town, to still get low tier workers.. Even when you get tier 9-10 worker, you cant even use him, because he has lvl 2 mapper perk, makes him 5 times more expensive than normal.. LIKE WHY?

4) Maxed out mining
I dont know if its just me, but since I upgraded mine to lvl 11, In 95% of maps I have only 1 ore vein. Is it to reduce gold players can get from ore bonus? Before upgrade I always had 2 of them..

5) Basic / High currency drop rates

So It seems this league we have lower drop rates for currency. Ofc it would be understandable if ship / mapper rewards were fine. But you get trash rewards AND low drop rates..

To sum it up, I dont enjoy this league at all.. I am still trying to find something positive ( Runesmithing & Market is cool feature ) But i am feeling only punished for playing and trying this new town mechanic..

I think more people feel same as me, So I hope there will be some changes.
Last bumped on Aug 6, 2024, 1:11:59 PM
But it is all a buff!
Everything is dandy in NZ. The numbers are there, they don't give a flying f*ck that a lot of players actually have a bad experience with both the league/the core game. If they would there would be communication and "what we are working on" posts. The fact that there is a total absence of exactly that speaks for itself.
Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
Valid points.

Maby even place of this post in bugs reporting space.
yetagainAGAIN wrote:
Everything is dandy in NZ. The numbers are there, they don't give a flying f*ck that a lot of players actually have a bad experience with both the league/the core game. If they would there would be communication and "what we are working on" posts. The fact that there is a total absence of exactly that speaks for itself.

This feels accurate. Been waking up to radio silence daily and I'm just eyeing something else to do with my time.
+1 agreed. This league is another dumpster fire and just a bad rendition of WoW: Warlords of Draenor expansion, which itself was terrible.

I want to kill stuff and get good drops instead of playing with convoluted interfaces and buttons and currencies that won't be here in a few months.

As for the base game, it still has 99%+ of the same problems it had before the SOK patch, including horrible performance at lowest settings.
Initially, t17 maps seemed promising, but in practice, they turned out to be a mistake. Everything is priced based on running these maps. If you’re stuck running t16 maps instead, you’re essentially losing currency. It’s better to skip buying scarabs for t16 farming, as they’re priced with t17 use in mind. So basically if you are not on a beefed up build to deal with the many annoying mods t17 maps have you are pretty much out of luck and probably will remain poor compared to the top players. Feels bad man....
leroy989 wrote:
Initially, t17 maps seemed promising, but in practice, they turned out to be a mistake. Everything is priced based on running these maps. If you’re stuck running t16 maps instead, you’re essentially losing currency. It’s better to skip buying scarabs for t16 farming, as they’re priced with t17 use in mind. So basically if you are not on a beefed up build to deal with the many annoying mods t17 maps have you are pretty much out of luck and probably will remain poor compared to the top players. Feels bad man....

There is no progression anymore because of them tinkering with the baseloot of the game AGAIN without communicating it.

You've either "made it" into the "T17 Farmbracket" early enough with trading or your essentially out of the game, which is so much worse than it was before.

However even if you are cruising through T17's .. the loot feels abysmal from my pov compared to the prior patch. A semi juiced T16 in 3.24 felt way better than a fully juiced T17 feels now.

The T0 Divcards might as well not exist since you can't target farm them properly anymore.

To end on something positive .. some of the gem & skilltree rework brought some much needed fresh air to the meta but .. with the basegame in such a horrendous state that means very little from my pov.

The essence of an aRPG is kill mobs get loot. Period.
Not my game anymore. | michaelstrangefoundationdotorg | r>=0
yetagainAGAIN wrote:
leroy989 wrote:
Initially, t17 maps seemed promising, but in practice, they turned out to be a mistake. Everything is priced based on running these maps. If you’re stuck running t16 maps instead, you’re essentially losing currency. It’s better to skip buying scarabs for t16 farming, as they’re priced with t17 use in mind. So basically if you are not on a beefed up build to deal with the many annoying mods t17 maps have you are pretty much out of luck and probably will remain poor compared to the top players. Feels bad man....

There is no progression anymore because of them tinkering with the baseloot of the game AGAIN without communicating it.

You've either "made it" into the "T17 Farmbracket" early enough with trading or your essentially out of the game, which is so much worse than it was before.

However even if you are cruising through T17's .. the loot feels abysmal from my pov compared to the prior patch. A semi juiced T16 in 3.24 felt way better than a fully juiced T17 feels now.

The T0 Divcards might as well not exist since you can't target farm them properly anymore.

To end on something positive .. some of the gem & skilltree rework brought some much needed fresh air to the meta but .. with the basegame in such a horrendous state that means very little from my pov.

The essence of an aRPG is kill mobs get loot. Period.

Yeah kind of funny how one of the quality of life changes was the pickup radius and now we just don't have anything to pickup...
yetagainAGAIN wrote:
Everything is dandy in NZ. The numbers are there, they don't give a flying f*ck that a lot of players actually have a bad experience with both the league/the core game. If they would there would be communication and "what we are working on" posts. The fact that there is a total absence of exactly that speaks for itself.

I haven't played this league but being in the game for over 10 years (joined in 2013) i lean out the window and assume I know what I'm talking about.

And that means, the above User yetagainAGAIN is correct. GGG's decisions and especially their balancing department has been ludicrous for the last 5-6 years, the game has been only really god right in 2013-2014.

The game hasnt been rewarding or enjoyable in years, always the same old. The only things that keep stacking is difficult things to kill the player.

But each and every vendor mechanic or league mechanic is just too nerfed, too hard, especially early game.

GGG doesn't realize that constant repetition and constant difficulty increase is just driving people away, and causes others to stagnate.

PoE has become a hard game to play, because of all the loot nerfs, currency nerfs, and people get older, they don't have the time to play 12-14 hours a day anymore.

How can this be fixed? By upsetting the hardcore fans, and making the game p*ss easy. That's the only way to fix the issues. But right now, as mentioned, its too unrewarding to be worth the difficult journey.

Oh yeah, almost forgot. The next thing is: return to 2013, when EVERY skill, EVERY class could reach endgame.

Yup, that right. No more metas needed. The only thing needed, is skill at playing, you can reach lvl 100 with split arrow. You could in 2013, without any monetary investment, but now, you need expensive gear and then MAYBE it could work.

Another example? You could make a totem witch using melee totems and reach high level maps. That's right. A witch using melee totems. Then GGG decided to nerf melee totem into the ground. And thus, melee totem witch was dead.

Another example? Cleave+Frenzy Ranger with max attack speed was a god killer. Then Ranger and Melee got nerfed, and Melee Cleave+Frenzy Ranger was no more.

GGG have just destroyed the game. It's a meta fest now, and not what it used to be - any class with any skill can beat the game, easily.

Such a shame to see such a good game being driven into the ground by its development team.

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