first captured ship - no chance area-LVL 84

Simple2012 wrote:
You people should stop shutting him down and be more empathic and see where he is coming from instead. Stop posting these useless comments where you just flame the thread-starter, it helps none.

It sounds to me he's bothered he went in fairly fresh after maps and got headshot by a wave.

There is an option to pay the ransom instead of fighting the boss, but I've heard the cost is unknown as none ever was able to afford it. The third option is to abandon the ship and just continue with new ships.

He died to a WAVE nobody dies to a wave unless his build wasn't optimal.

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Yea I stood in the barrier accidentally on my first try. And died.

The waves dont do squat for damage.
"Just goes to show your complete lack of knowledge on the matter. If you had any actual experience with melee" -Melee "Expert"
His Anchor does 2 dmg.
His Auto attack does 3 dmg.
The waves do 1 dmg

Dys an sohm
Rohs an kyn
Sahl djahs afah
Mah morn narr
Last edited by Coconutdoggy on Aug 3, 2024, 4:37:53 AM
de99ial wrote:
I think this boss is preparation for PoE2. Get used to it.

I think there is a pretty obvious difference between an act boss that you can immediately retry and a time-gated encounter that you might not see for several days. I don't see any issue with requiring someone to beat a boss by going through all their mechanics "one portal", provided there is an opportunity to learn them, i.e. delve bosses. It is the time-gated one-shot encounters where I feel like GGG has been missing the mark over the past year.
Delve bosses once were new and noone knew how to do them.

This is no different.
de99ial wrote:
Delve bosses once were new and noone knew how to do them.

This is no different.

Yes, and people died to the delve bosses and kept trying and figured out how to beat them. The difference is having to wait hours or days to have the opportunity to try again.

I think that delve bosses and what they have shown for POE2 thus far are "one-portal" fights done right. You have to complete the total encounter to get past it but there isn't a punishing fail case of not getting to attempt it again promptly after.

This is doubly true in the Admiral fight due to how much you stand to lose in time/gold versus what you gain by succeeding. It heavily incentivizes using out-of-game resources rather than encourage the player to learn the fight in an organic way.
Last edited by mallard on Aug 3, 2024, 3:45:03 PM
Yeah i get that and agree.

But still i think that current state of PoE is PoE2 fault.
Same thing just happened to me. I was doing fine till the boss went immune, spawned 3 waves by my side and one-shoted me.

The sad thing is that you can't try it again from the beginning. And if you don't have enought gold to pay the rescue, it doesn't tell you how much it cost; and the other solution is loosing (in my case) half your staff for shipping.

GGG should let us try the fights from the beginning how many times we want, or put 6 portals; or at least don't make immunity phases.
Just happened to me. It's a pathetic mechanic. If it says 0% chance of loss, it should be 0% CHANCE OF LOSS.

Typical vision though.
The nerfs will continue until morale improves.

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