550 hours played this league and no divine mod lantern, not one.

Over 3 million kills. 35 challenges, never saw a Divine altar. Calling it quits. No fun allowed.

So 2 months of playing wasn't enough to experience what was advertised. I hope this doesn't continue to be the future of PoE leagues because this one was the worst ever for me. Imagine how many of us spent months and never got one. What kind of expansion is that?

As always I don't spend a penny on leagues this terrible.
Last edited by HeroEvermore on May 28, 2024, 6:43:41 PM
Same here. Over 3 million kills and zero divine lantern mod - I thought they removed completely. Lantern is abolute shit. Once in a while you can make some chaos out of it and that is it. Great mechanic, perfectly designed.
20,000 hours played this game: still no mirror drop, hh drop, or mageblood drop. Still no divine altar.

Is this fun?!

Yes......yes it is. I put in 20k hours. You wouldn't have put in 550 hours if....it wasn't fun.

Love the folks complaining about not being able to complete challenges, like its supposed to be a "guaranteed" thing (as advertised were the words used). They are NOT guaranteed, no one is handed 40 challenges every league and frankly they should be WAY harder so only the top 1% of challenge-seekers even remotely come close to getting 40/40. Then maybe they would actually be worth something (but still not to me)
Last edited by jsuslak313 on May 28, 2024, 8:32:36 PM
20,000 hours? You realize that's 10 years of a full-time job (40 hrs/wk x 50 weeks x 10 years).
Shakeyvick wrote:
20,000 hours? You realize that's 10 years of a full-time job (40 hrs/wk x 50 weeks x 10 years).

are you trying to tell him that he should have gotten a 2nd job instead of spending his free time however he likes? poor attempt at shaming
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Last edited by ArtCrusade on May 29, 2024, 6:09:37 AM
Shakeyvick wrote:
20,000 hours? You realize that's 10 years of a full-time job (40 hrs/wk x 50 weeks x 10 years).

Do you realize that people don't accidentally put that much time into something?

Stop undermining the fun other people have.
Shakeyvick wrote:
20,000 hours? You realize that's 10 years of a full-time job (40 hrs/wk x 50 weeks x 10 years).

Well I would say a good 20% of all that time was probably the game running in the background waiting for trades :). But yes....I've been around a LONG time. I probably played more than 40 hours a week for the first few years I played this game. You forget its a GAME and you also have weekends. I'm sure there are tons of gamers who spend upwards of 10 hours/day on the weekend if they have it gaming.

I don't have kids to worry about, so my time is my time after work. Plus the ONLY game I play is PoE. I have no other games on my computer and I haven't played a single other game for longer than 100 hours in the last 12 years.

So yes...a second full time job sounds about right for a favorite leisure activity. Think about YOUR favorite leisure activity, and the amount of time you ACTUALLY spend doing it...I bet its eerily similar.

Also....you call me out but check out the OP's "time": 550 hours in about 2 months. That's WAY more on average than my career average.
Last edited by jsuslak313 on May 29, 2024, 10:18:04 PM
Hey sorry if I came across as shaming. My reply was purely from surprise.

Whatever floats your boat I guess. As long as you aren't hurting anyone what you do with your life is no skin off my back.

And you're right, 550 hours in this league is a lot.
HeroEvermore wrote:
Over 3 million kills. 35 challenges, never saw a Divine altar. Calling it quits. No fun allowed

I understood this, in kalandra league, never see the altar that allowed you to create your own. Because that was specific league content advertised.
But a divine mod just provides you with... some divines
I'd argue, so does trade.
Divines aren't specific to the league. You can also get pinnacle boss altars the reward divines.
Still imo, its a very very unhealthy amount of hours to spend in front of a computer playing games.

Personally (my opinion alone, mind you) , i think this cases may be needed to be watched by professionals, it is NOT NORMAL!

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