3.24.2 Hotfix 6

PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

Feel better soon. :D
Swaheelee wrote:
Now revert the 100,000 divines parties made in softcore!!!!!

But you won't because you don't fix ALL your &^%$ ups!

Bogus bogus bogus bogus

Oh and fix the illegitimate items in standard? No no no ofc not, some double standard.

So much anger. Peace be with you.
Iggy5150 wrote:
Thank you

Also please don't forget to fix these and all its variants

Isn't it funny how a dead mode such as standard can bother so many people. "If I can't have it, no one can" type of throwing toys out of cot.
PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

noone cares about standard lol
WilliamGoosen wrote:
Iggy5150 wrote:
Thank you

Also please don't forget to fix these and all its variants

Isn't it funny how a dead mode such as standard can bother so many people. "If I can't have it, no one can" type of throwing toys out of cot.

Or maybe because it's a joke it has existed for this long and the moment you want to min max a build the first thing is oh I'm not using the bugged chest I'm trolling?
so0pel wrote:
PatriarchDeon wrote:
ok, now to be need fixing 25 000% fire res armour!
then and here yours problems...
the most worst league i ever seen

noone cares about standard lol

Well I care. The Standard players care. Ppl that have the most op stuff in this game they care lol.

Then why you post items for sale in Standard then you are actively switching from your Necropolis league to sell them, and if someone is lowballing you, you play angry? If you don't care about Standard? Can you leave me with that "no care".
Maybe You don't care, but stating that "no one cares" just based on your feelings seems weird.
Last edited by Deformingo on May 7, 2024, 4:15:43 AM
FlyingTurtleZ wrote:
If GGG isn’t gonna ban or give any punishment to the player who abuses this bug, I’m never gonna make any more purchases in this game anymore.
Bug abuse = cheating = violated ToS
However, GGG never takes any action seriously on those bug-abuse players. It’s just like encouraging us to abuse the hell of any new bug when we find one, as we won’t get punished anyway and we might be able to keep the bug item if lucky.
On the other side, those player who decided to follow the rules and play normally and doesn’t abuse the bug are actually just a loser

GGG never really bans players for exploits like this.

Hundreds of people used this exploit and did you expect GGG to ban all of them?

AFAIK, the last banwave for an in-game exploit was like 3 years ago in Ultimatum.

Next time, just join the exploiters cause GGG is never going to ban people for it.
Last edited by CryingWulf on May 7, 2024, 4:23:53 AM
Many thousands of us care about standard.

That said, thank you GGG for fixing this.

As with the ETH weapons in Diablo 2, anyone buying obviously bugged items is asking to reap a Ruststorm.

Given the prices charged, it's unlikely too many truly ignorant people will be hurt by this. (Thankfully). The extreme cost is a good gateway for filtering out noobs - i.e. most of the folks buying this stuff knew perfectly well it was an anomaly.

I'm old enough to remember the rare potion bug, and how people ended up with hordes of unusable items as a prize for trying to exploit.

A lot of games would ban players doing this, so people should feel lucky.

Last edited by Sabranic_SilverDeth on May 7, 2024, 4:30:35 AM
CryingWulf wrote:

Next time, just join the exploiters cause GGG is never going to ban people for it.

IIRC some people got banned when Split tag was introduced and they did some un-splitting using a vendor recipe
natural183 wrote:
CryingWulf wrote:

Next time, just join the exploiters cause GGG is never going to ban people for it.

IIRC some people got banned when Split tag was introduced and they did some un-splitting using a vendor recipe

i split like 50 helmets and didn't get banned and you could do it even after the fix.They prob did something else.

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