3.24.2 Hotfix 5

Rassomaxa69 wrote:
Any news about items?
Can we use this items now? 4 days pass
Have few ideas for builds...

Make some Gigachad Stalinium build
Imagine they take their time because they're noticing that it's actually a good thing to have 6 links like that. Big big RIP
Now we got these items on poe Ninja.
Check yourselves, there is

Squire 6l - 999 divines
Squire - 8 divines

Watsup guys
I see you started saving your mirrors to buy them after you learn they will stay in game)))))))

I guess they will cost around 40-50 mirrors, with price increasing gradually to 1000 mirrors.
I see someone actively consuming his nails), including myself)) cuz I a law-abiding pussycat doll too(

But then next patch - all Squires can have 6 links by default, but the odds to drop one are 0,00000000000000001%. GG
Last edited by Deformingo on May 6, 2024, 9:42:51 AM
Next patch -

All shields can have 6 links.

Balance changes to combat power creep -

All players dmg cut by 80%.
All movement skills disabled, added 1 new skill - Quickstep.
e muita treta...kkkkkkkkkkkkk
So, when game will be patched?
After 3 days the same bugged items are still in trade... GGG please do something.
Murmuüre wrote:
So, when game will be patched?
After 3 days the same bugged items are still in trade... GGG please do something.

*35+ days, it worked from 1 day = "carelessness"
what a bullshit that these items are still not fixed,prices for all items going up ,because people dont trust ggg to fix them......
wow cool thanks GGG, i had one of these squires and it could have gotten me close to a mirror by now. i'm so glad i play this game
Im so sorry but these items still exist, this is so unfair ..
can u guys please do something about this ?

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