Forced by GGG to end my league

Aynix wrote:
Toxic? Dude, you can get 30 days mute for sending toucan in global.

30 days means it's not a first or second or even third time offence.
Ancestral Bond. It's a thing that does stuff. -Vipermagi

He who controls the pants controls the galaxy. - Rick & Morty S3E1
Imaginaerum wrote:
the struggle is moreso trying to keep up with what is and isn't ok to say today. what was acceptable a mere 2 years ago is considered egregious now and it only seems to follow one political direction. anyway that's a side rant. a 20 day mute means he's been banned before so it wasn't his first time testing the waters, and getting 20 days takes a while if you aren't making a habit of pushing the rules

This isn't Twitter
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
lagwin1980 wrote:

30 days means it's not a first or second or even third time offence.


Flames and madness. I'm so glad I didn't miss the fun. hoho
dont do as you agree with anything like you re in control.
it s ggg that decides what s acceptable or not to say for you.
none of you agreers have a say in this.

ZenJelly wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
Real issue is not about muting now affecting whispers, but about why on 2024 earth we still cannot trade without whispers. Chat and trade have no reason to be tied together.

They absolutely should, because a chat ban is pretty useless on its own. If you don't care enough about what you're throwing in chat that it earns you a ban, then you most likely don't care about the chat ban either. Trade ban is a solid way to enforce this.

That's a statement I never heard before, in any game :) By that logic, why shouldn't we lose a few character levels from chat ban, or do 80% less global damage for the duration of chat ban? Local offense warrants local punishment related to the offense.

Yes, maintaining chat clean is important, and yes, GGG is free choose how to enforce this. However, if handing out 800 days bans is common by now, from what standpoint it isn't enough to achieve that goal? Yes, there are people who can assault others via dm, but we have personal dm blacklists for this.

So either GGG never thought it through when deciding to block trade (which is bad), or they did and still went through (which is equally bad).

ArtCrusade wrote:

You can still trade with other players. You simply don't show up as online on the website & cannot send / receive whispers from people who are not on your friend list.
He's upset he cannot trade

So which one is it, I am confused? :)
Inability to whisper de-facto blocks trade, you know that. Let's not talk like GGG's signature "this is a buff".
Last edited by Echothesis on Apr 29, 2024, 3:29:26 PM
Echothesis wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

You can still trade with other players. You simply don't show up as online on the website & cannot send / receive whispers from people who are not on your friend list.
He's upset he cannot trade

So which one is it, I am confused? :)
Inability to whisper de-facto blocks trade, you know that. Let's not talk like GGG's signature "this is a buff".

My apologies, I should have made it as clear as possible so as to not give you any room to somehow unintentionally misread my post.

Please refer to the link that I, considerate of fellow forumers like you, provided you with.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
ArtCrusade wrote:
Echothesis wrote:
ArtCrusade wrote:

You can still trade with other players. You simply don't show up as online on the website & cannot send / receive whispers from people who are not on your friend list.
He's upset he cannot trade

So which one is it, I am confused? :)
Inability to whisper de-facto blocks trade, you know that. Let's not talk like GGG's signature "this is a buff".

My apologies, I should have made it as clear as possible so as to not give you any room to somehow unintentionally misread my post.

Please refer to the link that I, considerate of fellow forumers like you, provided you with.

Okay, I re-read the link and guess you meant that we can use weird friend list function as a fix for weird trade, as in adding desired trade partner to friends without needing his consent, and then attempt to trade. Guess that works when you wish to buy, but how many buyers check for "offline" sellers?:) You still think being autobanned by bot via some out-of-context keywords doesn't impede trade?
Everything is subjective. There is no objective middle ground to operate from.

Making sense, regardless of depth, is meaningless.

Piss off the wrong group of people and you get the stick.

Welcome to now.
I poop, therefore I am.
By the way friend list loophole means whisper block does nothing to prevent abusers, lol. A spammer can add anyone to friends and continue harassing him until put in ignore list. GGG never thought of that?

This leaves an intention to just screw trade as most probable reason for whisper block rule, with clean chat concerns being secondary.
Echothesis wrote:
Okay, I re-read the link and guess you meant that we can use weird friend list function as a fix for weird trade, as in adding desired trade partner to friends without needing his consent, and then attempt to trade. Guess that works when you wish to buy, but how many buyers check for "offline" sellers?:) You still think being autobanned by bot via some out-of-context keywords doesn't impede trade?

It's an inconvenience, a soft-ban. You can party up, you can still interact with your friends like you always would. You can add new friends. You can use 3rd party services like TFT for buying/selling.

You may get caught by the bot for saying a crude word once. At most, that's a 1 day ban. If you get banned for 30 days like OP, you are a repeat offender and my sympathy is very limited
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.

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