Forced by GGG to end my league

Pour one out for my Syndicate homies.

Complex PoE mechanics are getting Diablofied.

GGG: What's better than stable income? Random income of course.
Aynix wrote:
kyobusa wrote:
YakimatoSeix wrote:
Getting muted should not disable you from trading or accessing the trade site, another flawed system we never needed.
Maybe don't be toxic =D

Toxic? Dude, you can get 30 days mute for sending toucan in global.
Oh in that case, omegadeserved.
The entitlement is over 9000
no word should ever get u muted
YakimatoSeix wrote:
Kinda amazed that ggg will basically disable you from performing in game trades or website trades when muted, 20 days of not being able to buy scarabs, or trade for crafting Materials is quite an amazing mechanic. This was the only thing getting me through my grandmother's death these past couple days and I just wanted to thank GGG for adding such a silencing system that disables players from performing in game functions in a live service game. Meanwhile scammers and rmt advertisements go rampant in global and trade chat
Have you tried not posting stuff, you know, that gets you muted? Wild concept, I know.
openup001 wrote:
no word should ever get u muted

This translates to "the company should not be allowed to enforce their anti-harassment and chat etiquette policies" which is the worst take I have seen on this topic yet.
The opposite of knowledge is not illiteracy, but the illusion of knowledge.
Top tier best tricks to avoid a mute (SHH DON'T TELL GGG)

This is the best easy quick (and free) problem solve of all your future mutes!


Who cares about a 1c trades or random interactions on chat bruh that's easy /dnd easy peasy lemon Squeezy


If for some reason you don't like /dnd, do not ever chat, if trade, just insta avoid read it, this trick can be used with the number 5 to avoid those local chat "ty"



Be cool and avoid toxic or any behaviour that can lead in a mute, even if you think your behaviour is not toxic, there's someone who may not like the way you express
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
YakimatoSeix wrote:
Getting muted should not disable you from trading or accessing the trade site, another flawed system we never needed.

Sometimes, just sometimes, you should really consider adapting to the world, instead of demanding that the world adapts to you.
Phrazz wrote:
YakimatoSeix wrote:
Getting muted should not disable you from trading or accessing the trade site, another flawed system we never needed.


How about they send you to SSF instead muting you.
hoho lucky for me my 800 day mute was already in effect with the new trade changes. 60 days and I'm unmuted. not that it matters the change didn't touch me.
-Official Forum Dweller-
-I started the hoho movement-
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-10 days left on my 8,000 hour mute-

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