3.24.2 Patch Notes

Ubisoft deleted poe....
Moz92 wrote:
How long is the Steam maintenance usually ?

Usually anywhere from 5-15 minutes.
It's back up again - but GGG pushed the patch just as Steam started their maintenance, so something went wrong (obviously).

Not a brilliant move from GGG - it's not like they wouldn't know that Steam does maintenance at this time. They've only been doing that a bit over a decade now. lol

They really should have just waited 30-60 minutes, before pushing the patch.
Yeah, this is pure brilliance when it comes to timing own update xD
Patch is online on Steam.
Don't listen to noobs, buff mf pls and bring back tornado shot, i want to play it again
It's not downloading properly from steam yet
I'm here for the comments , dont mind me
tiddly winks and popcorn it is
Last edited by Shy_Migrain on Apr 23, 2024, 6:52:03 PM
Evokxi wrote:
Fallensight wrote:
Who decided to drop a patch during the Steam downtime? Steam needs to cut that crap out in the first place, but you guys could have avoided this mess by just delaying the patch for an hour or two. Absolutely unacceptable


I mean, online services do need this kind of maintenance for obvious reasons. So I won't blame Steam here. But GGG deciding to release a patch in that exact moment when I'm assuming they are fully aware of what Steam schedule is, I mean, c'mon, it's not like they're on this platform since yesterday... just ridiculous.

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