Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

R.I.P. Necro.
Removal of lmb + waste of socket + cd + mana cost. Nerf to the whole game at this point. GGG: "Guys such a cool QoL change right?"

Are you even serious? I don't even mind those endless nerfs (mb one day i will stop play this game thanks to all of them, which is a good thing) but say it how it is, why you always do this, present one of the worst most inconvenient changes of all time as QoL? It is just disrespect at this point, and it has been said million times already, somehow you do this almost every league
Yeah so that last one is not qol, its a nerf, and a really weird one. Was left click instant skill that much of an issue? Not every build can lose the socket, + cooldown/mana cost, assuming those don't go to 0 with 20/20 gem... Its fine for the support gem to exist, there is case where multiple instant skills is good, but removing the ability to put it on left click make no sense. And some skills can't even be used like that, necro bone armor, general's cry (kinda can, but not losing a dps support for that...)

Auto instant skills without the gem isn't even gone, people are now just gonna use the numlock trick (or just get any key stuck), which is gonna have the exact same effect, but in a annoying way... And we also lose a keybind on top of that.
Last edited by Thorcall on Mar 18, 2024, 7:16:18 PM
Nice "QoL". I guess it's also a QoL change if the quality goes down.
I feel I have to pile on too, this is a Anti-QoL beating for necro or just anyone who doesn't want to waste a socket for something we have had FOREVER. Bad idea.
NERF left click to force use you 99.99% USELESS "automation gem" its full cringe.
I don't believe you will do this GGG!
Don't make your game worse PLEASE!
Last edited by Magebloodgodx on Mar 18, 2024, 7:14:11 PM
after dropping a decent gems you dropped a MASSIVE L how's removing ability to bind left click for instant skills a QoL? most if not all builds are already socket starving and on top of that 150% multi for cost and reduced cdr absolutely delusional calling it QoL change
I used to think QOL meant for better quality of life but as it turns out it means worse.
Stop, Go back.
You went full r*tard there.
Last edited by MrSigy on Mar 18, 2024, 7:21:18 PM
uhhhh ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


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