Path of Exile: Necropolis Teasers

what happens with current veiled orbs?
i like these changes
killodoggy wrote:

Please make it so there is 1 atlas passive point that says shrines activate when near them automatically.

There are many situations where clicking on shrines is a pain and not just when they surrounded by monsters but party play as well.

The reason I recommend an atlas passive is during normal gameplay you might want to skip some or when learning the game you might want to wait for whole party to be near shrine to activate it for everyone.

Also the knockback shrine has been a huge pain to all melee builds. You should give us an atlas passive that makes it cause reverse knockback on shrines to make up for it.

Otherwise melee characters must remove the knockback buff manually every time unless they want to sacrifice precious glove slot for reverse knockback. If you are a strike build you lose a lot in glove slot cause options are so limited for strike builds.

**edit again**

Sometimes shrines feel like they are less discernable from each other and harder to click on than diablo 2 shrines. This is important quality of life.

Had been playing with friends, they NEVER clic them "didn't saw it" "didn't noticed was a shrine there", they have between 21 and 4k hours played
Venezuela es mi barrio, y odio mi barrio.
Amante de las abejas🐝
Conantheserb wrote:
Shentorran wrote:
A Breach QoL?

Well... if ONLY Breach would actually DROP splinters now... even fully juiced it's garbage. Every other League-Mechanic drops more splinters than Breach itself >:(

Juiced breach has a 1 up to 1.5 breach stone drop per map. Almost 2 divine profit each map guaranteed. I wouldn't call that garbage.

How JUICED and what kind of JUICE we talking because just by taking ALL the atlas stuff I didn't get shit no matter what 8-mod ultra juice I did. Compared to a Niko breach memory where I got almost 1 stone every map... if you don't call that bad, I don't know man...
Well, flasks corruption make no sense to me, its at the same time more rng, nothing new and doesn't do what corruption usually does. At least make some corruption implicits / affixes reroll / brick from unique to magic flask with unique skin, not the lame "good luck on hitting 1 (3):21 on your perfectly crafted magic / rolled unique flask".

Veiled Orb is a strict upgrade as just spawning Catarina is easier than spawn her while also having Aisling T3 in research. That is, if the orb is a guaranteed drop.

Until it isn't. What about veiled C spamming items for crafts? That's gone now with the rarity of Catarina only...
good direction, i like those changes
Good changes.
Varan1971 wrote:
So, we'll get a massive nerf of flasks.

GGG, where is " less xxx damage taken " ?????
WTF , next nerf.

Holy shit, you're right, they replaced the less damage taken affix with 5% to max resist, which, of course, is to combat flask effect amplification when combined with already increased max resists.
Obviously it's an attempt to "break" ultra tanky phys taken as builds and other damage conversions, but this is some next level "hoo-hoo, bet they didn't notice us being sneaky about it.
And to think... I was just going to ask for a more reasonable way to use alteration shards on flasks to find the affix we desire. Now I really want it as corrupting just seems like a quick way to brick all that tedious work.

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