Banned - please help me


I understand that there is nothing you can do or say on this forum regarding my account.

however, my account: gerriscott has been banned.

I'm heartbroken as this account has supported the game for 5 years buying packs every year as I love the game. I know everyone says this, but I have never ever cheated exploited macro or anything of the sort.

the simple question I want to ask is as follows:

is there room for this to be reviewed when there is down time so that the incorrect ban can be removed from the account, I'm herring of horror stories on the forums saying that once banned GGG will not review or remove the ban and I am hoping this is not the case.

please if you have spent the time to read this I apricate that and a response would make my day.
Last bumped on Dec 28, 2023, 5:36:37 PM
Hey gerrisscott2, unfortunately we are unable to handle account related issues via the forums. Could you please send an email to us at so that we can look into this? Please include your account name and a few character names in your message.
Hi, I have done this and my appeal had been denied hence the post.

As stated above I have never exploited the game so I'm just after some assistance on how to handle this as it seems that the support email isn't working / hasn't worked
Welcome to the statistic my friend. 4 year account banned for breaching section 7 of TOS, got a a reply back from them today that my ban appeal has been denied xdd.
That is the exact same response I have gotten surely this has to be a bug that will be corrected I refuse to believe a company that I have put 2000 or so gbp into has just took it away from me like that
That is the exact same response I have gotten surely this has to be a bug that will be corrected
Last edited by gerrisscott2 on Dec 28, 2023, 2:56:47 PM
The chances of that happening is pretty low tbqh. I don't know on what basis they are banning the account, honestly nothing we can do about. I just bought a 60$ dollar pack so I can buy the necessary stash tabs to play the game again :)
I'm holding out hope with the vast amount of reddit/ forum posts surely GGG support will realize that there has been an error and will look into this
Well, I also don’t expect that I will be unbanned, although I did not do anything prohibited, except for triple clicking on the mouse in which it is built in, which I am ready to refuse if it influenced the ban. And if they do review it, I can’t even imagine how long it will take GGG. And the most interesting thing is that they are constantly referred to point 7. So, friends, we all need to understand, do we all use some kind of software, or do we buy orbs? The question is, of course, rhetorical.
DarkHoles3 wrote:
The chances of that happening is pretty low tbqh. I don't know on what basis they are banning the account, honestly nothing we can do about. I just bought a 60$ dollar pack so I can buy the necessary stash tabs to play the game again :)

Do not buy! I started another account and got banned in 5 days, the first one got banned in 2 days, don't do this you will lose your money :(

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