Ban problem - Please GGG do something with your filters

hackdevil wrote:
Miodas wrote:
hackdevil wrote:
By the way Miodas,

are you affiliated with that 3rd party tool in some way? Asking, because I see your message copy pasted in many BAN topics?

PS: Also I just saw it that the tool you're talking about exist since 6 years! Why now?

Answering your question. I saw a SS of how this programs helps in the league mechanics. Its a simple map hack that give users of it a HUGE advantage over people like me who dosnt use it. Thats the reason i allready stoped playing till next league. Lost HYPE for this league because of the cheaters who are using it to find final boss the merchant so much easier. The numbers of links of unique drop from the that were posting on my guild chat all the time just by few people took the HYPE for the league totally.

I got your point to be angry of people using 3rd party software to gain way more power than the rest of the normal casual players, but trust me, these people using 3rd party software to gain more from the game, they know for sure that it's not legit and 99% of these people will not come to the forums to complain their BAN. Don't judge people without knowing them, as a prove I have all my current league progress recorded (streamed) on Twitch, so you can feel free to look on my playstyle. Hope that clears a lot of misunderstanding.

Have a great Xmas and NYE!

Very well said...

Guys can't understand how frustrating it is for a person who plays legitimately to be banned and still be labeled a hacker. I understand the hatred for hackers, although in POE my motivation for playing was always about creating builds, I never competed with anyone, so in this game hackers don't bother me much... however I understand those who play more seriously and get mad about this situation; In competitive games, like Valorant and CS, I also get angry with hackers... but to belittle the outrage of people here, who were banned without a valid reason, who spent several days struggling to talk to support, who lost old accounts, with purchased tabs, just because there may be a hacker in the middle who has been legally banned trying to take advantage of the situation, is not the right thing to do. We need to be a little more sensitive towards people who have been undeservedly screwed.
hackdevil wrote:
Miodas wrote:
hackdevil wrote:
By the way Miodas,

are you affiliated with that 3rd party tool in some way? Asking, because I see your message copy pasted in many BAN topics?

PS: Also I just saw it that the tool you're talking about exist since 6 years! Why now?

Answering your question. I saw a SS of how this programs helps in the league mechanics. Its a simple map hack that give users of it a HUGE advantage over people like me who dosnt use it. Thats the reason i allready stoped playing till next league. Lost HYPE for this league because of the cheaters who are using it to find final boss the merchant so much easier. The numbers of links of unique drop from the that were posting on my guild chat all the time just by few people took the HYPE for the league totally.

I got your point to be angry of people using 3rd party software to gain way more power than the rest of the normal casual players, but trust me, these people using 3rd party software to gain more from the game, they know for sure that it's not legit and 99% of these people will not come to the forums to complain their BAN. Don't judge people without knowing them, as a prove I have all my current league progress recorded (streamed) on Twitch, so you can feel free to look on my playstyle. Hope that clears a lot of misunderstanding.

Have a great Xmas and NYE!

What has GGG said about your ban? did you provide your stream?
Kaboinglefop wrote:

What has GGG said about your ban? did you provide your stream?

No, I just wrote them, asking why I'm banned and that it's 1000% a mistake. So I pleased them to check my issue and if possible to be resolved. Still no answer, but now probably it's a good idea to write them a second mail providing my twitch. Good point, thanks!
hackdevil wrote:
Miodas wrote:
hackdevil wrote:
By the way Miodas,

are you affiliated with that 3rd party tool in some way? Asking, because I see your message copy pasted in many BAN topics?

PS: Also I just saw it that the tool you're talking about exist since 6 years! Why now?

Answering your question. I saw a SS of how this programs helps in the league mechanics. Its a simple map hack that give users of it a HUGE advantage over people like me who dosnt use it. Thats the reason i allready stoped playing till next league. Lost HYPE for this league because of the cheaters who are using it to find final boss the merchant so much easier. The numbers of links of unique drop from the that were posting on my guild chat all the time just by few people took the HYPE for the league totally.

I got your point to be angry of people using 3rd party software to gain way more power than the rest of the normal casual players, but trust me, these people using 3rd party software to gain more from the game, they know for sure that it's not legit and 99% of these people will not come to the forums to complain their BAN. Don't judge people without knowing them, as a prove I have all my current league progress recorded (streamed) on Twitch, so you can feel free to look on my playstyle. Hope that clears a lot of misunderstanding.

Have a great Xmas and NYE!

Thats where you are wrong, most people who did nuthing wrong will email support with confidence their account will come back clean.

They dont need to go to forums and brigade GGG, No banned person can post from a real account so anything you read is fictional .
The other thing is reddit would be blowing up if it was thousands of innocent people, theres far more posts about server and performance issues than innocent ban threads.

Now if in next week GGG come out and say oh we dun goofed ill eat my words.

Something to keep in mind is while there are almost always some wrongly banned people in waves of this size its basically christmas a time when people have money to spend more than usual in many cases , for GGG to allow a gigantic ban wave of innocent potential customers with xmaa money to blow is highly unlikely.
Last edited by medicated03 on Dec 24, 2023, 12:45:40 PM
Thats where you are wrong, most people who did nuthing wrong will email support with confidence their account will come back clean.

They dont need to go to forums and brigade GGG, No banned person can post from a real account so anything you read is fictional .
The other thing is reddit would be blowing up if it was thousands of innocent people, theres far more posts about server and performance issues than innocent ban threads.

Now if in next week GGG come out and say oh we dun goofed ill eat my words.

Something to keep in mind is while there are almost always some wrongly banned people in waves of this size its basically christmas a time when people have money to spend more than usual in many cases , for GGG to allow a gigantic ban wave of innocent potential customers with xmaa money to blow is highly unlikely.

People come to talk on the forum because:

1 - Email support is taking an average of 4 days to respond (often without any clarity).

2 - It was the beginning of the league, so a lot of people were hoping to have their accounts back in time to play, and saw that no longer being an option.

3 - They were not satisfied with the response that support gave via email, without clarity.

4 - Many have lost old accounts with money invested and do not feel safe creating another account, spending more money, and losing again without understanding why.

5 - they found similar situations on the forum that brought some hope that there really is something wrong and that perhaps GGG will be able to see this if there is a group movement on the part of the community.

That's the situation. If you truly believe that you did nothing wrong, and still got banned, just having GGG's word to go by, then what guarantee do you have if you create another account, spend more money on it, you won't get banned from the same way, without understanding the reason, again?

So stop thinking that everyone is just here crying about a lost account, or a lost investment... there is much more involved. Obviously some people will try to take advantage of this to make it seem like they were unfairly banned, but you need to be careful when trying to belittle the comments of everyone who was affected by the bans.

It's as if the person had a problem with a toe, and the solution applied was amputation of the foot... this was supposed to be the last solution, and should not be seen as something natural to do.

I even understand the happiness that some people have in seeing others being banned, since they believe that they are all hackers, and this will improve the game. A while ago there was a similar situation, and I was happy at that moment, because it didn't affect me, and that's how things work, but it may come to you eventually.
Last edited by caiochc93 on Dec 24, 2023, 1:21:42 PM

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