Ban problem - Please GGG do something with your filters

Can we already admit, that GGG is banning half of its playerbase now? I got banned for nothing, played 3 years, i donated like 500 usd for all that time. Why did you ban me? I was bannned on 13 december, i did nothing wrong.

And you know what? My friend also got banned today. What is that? Can moderators tell GGG they they have a Huge problem and some rat is banning their players? And email support dont even answer anymore.

We did not cheat, we did not do anything wrong. Can someone contact Chris Wilson?
Last bumped on Dec 24, 2023, 1:15:01 PM
Hey dimkion4123445, if you haven't already, please contact us at for further assistance and ask your friend to do so as well. If you have already contacted us, please wait for a response; we are currently working though a large number of support requests but we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Need help with anything? Please contact us at for assistance :)
They never realize this problem until they lost lots of players. We admit it, but ggg don't. There are so many threads for seeking help about account banning recently but seems GGG just dont care.
It doesn't feel safe to play in this league since there are so many random bans without proper help from GGG.

There is some error that is generating these bans for no reason, and they do not give the necessary attention. they are causing a big discontent in the community unnecessarily.
I really hope that GGG will get that in hands soon, because obviously something is wrong here. I got my random ban yesterday too. Of course an e-mail was already sent, but I know also that it won't change anything, or at least anytime soon.
So, let's just keep the problem visible and let them understand that they (or at least someone there) will see us and check what's going on.

It's really bad to receive such kind of a "nice" Xmas present from GGG, the game which I love and have spend so many hours enjoying it at 100%.

So GGG, please inform someone who's able to check the problem in general, and not just single BAN requests/appeals from us (the players), please!

Have a great PoE off-days to everyone in the same situation!

Main: JayModeSt

Thank you!
Nothing wrong ?
Most of the people say that but maaaayby [Removed by Support] ring a bell ? :>
Just like so many other people who use that program and in this league give HUUUUUGE ADVANTAGE .
But OFC no one will say honestly after BAN they were using it huh ? :>
Mayby your BAN is random or mayby not.
TRUTH is if you dont know the reason
[Removed by Support] is the reason if you were using it :>
Last edited by Chulainn_GGG on Dec 23, 2023, 7:53:47 PM
I never ever heard of it at all. Of course I google it now, just to see what you're talking about. Ok, but thanks. Never used any tools and I don't care about them. I care about my character and how I can achieve everything in a normal form. That's like an off-topic, but seriously I think that something is wrong and that's why all these random bans appeared recently.
Don't think that all the bans are for a 3rd party tool usage reason. At least I can guarantee for mine. Thank you!
By the way Miodas,

are you affiliated with that 3rd party tool in some way? Asking, because I see your message copy pasted in many BAN topics?

PS: Also I just saw it that the tool you're talking about exist since 6 years! Why now?
Last edited by hackdevil on Dec 22, 2023, 3:45:48 PM
hackdevil wrote:
By the way Miodas,

are you affiliated with that 3rd party tool in some way? Asking, because I see your message copy pasted in many BAN topics?

PS: Also I just saw it that the tool you're talking about exist since 6 years! Why now?

Answering your question. I saw a SS of how this programs helps in the league mechanics. Its a simple map hack that give users of it a HUGE advantage over people like me who dosnt use it. Thats the reason i allready stoped playing till next league. Lost HYPE for this league because of the cheaters who are using it to find final boss the merchant so much easier. The numbers of links of unique drop from the that were posting on my guild chat all the time just by few people took the HYPE for the league totally.
Miodas wrote:
hackdevil wrote:
By the way Miodas,

are you affiliated with that 3rd party tool in some way? Asking, because I see your message copy pasted in many BAN topics?

PS: Also I just saw it that the tool you're talking about exist since 6 years! Why now?

Answering your question. I saw a SS of how this programs helps in the league mechanics. Its a simple map hack that give users of it a HUGE advantage over people like me who dosnt use it. Thats the reason i allready stoped playing till next league. Lost HYPE for this league because of the cheaters who are using it to find final boss the merchant so much easier. The numbers of links of unique drop from the that were posting on my guild chat all the time just by few people took the HYPE for the league totally.

I got your point to be angry of people using 3rd party software to gain way more power than the rest of the normal casual players, but trust me, these people using 3rd party software to gain more from the game, they know for sure that it's not legit and 99% of these people will not come to the forums to complain their BAN. Don't judge people without knowing them, as a prove I have all my current league progress recorded (streamed) on Twitch, so you can feel free to look on my playstyle. Hope that clears a lot of misunderstanding.

Have a great Xmas and NYE!

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