Let us disable Annoying sounds in town

Agreed, boycotting MTX until they make a slider specifically for the "musical" pe(s)ts.
This people pay for the right to be annoying. They maintain this game, so go keep going. Actually, they don't bother me much.
Those goblins are extreemely annoying.
In fact I have to take a break after having them blare out a couple of times and such a break brought me to this thread.

Adding a MTX mute and visual disable button, is the sensible option, purchasers of the MTX still see their shinies and can enjoy the noises.

They would have no idea who has or has not disabled mtx on their client.

The disables mtx audio & visual options could be 3 settings:
Disable Others
Disable all <- Useful if on a lower spec'd device
Do GGG staffs read feedback and suggestion section? Or are we screaming at clouds like simpson episode? There are also few other threads related to annoying goblin music, I don't see any response from GGG.
The people buying MTX are the people supporting this game so that others may play for free. Let them enjoy it. Showing off the MTX is one way of showing that you're a supporter of POE. That's why they're called "Supporter Packs" and not "MTX Packs". The bonus MTX is just a way of GGG saying "thank you" for giving them money to develop and host the game.

Maybe GGG should add an MTX mute option, maybe not. But in the meantime if you really really hate the sound and cannot bare it just press the "mute" key on your keyboard (most keyboards have one) whenever you enter town. Or take off your headset. I see at least one person citing MTX sounds as a reason they quit the last league and I can't help but wonder how they have gone through life without knowing how to temporarily mute their audio.

To the people saying it causes extremely long load times when going to town: please buy a solid state drive. For your own sanity. In the long run they will add years to your life that you'd have spent looking at load screens. They're very affordable and have essentially replaced hard drives. Owning a hard drive in 2024 is like trying to commute in a Ford Model A (in other words, a very very old car). It's painfully slow. On the flip side, the load times with an SSD are so fast that when you finally get one you will be mad at yourself for waiting this long to make the switch.
Last edited by Heywoody on Apr 1, 2024, 6:13:58 PM
People, who's ears are being trampled upon are also MTX buyers and supporters. The perverted minority who enjoy these sounds (or rather enjoying the noise pollution it creates for other participants, they wouldn't be listening to this garbage alone) are encroaching on the rights of others who also paid for this game on many occasions.
+1 for disable this shitty Goblin noises.

As you see on the right im also a supporter for the game, but i have no unterstanding for beeing blasted by a singing shitshow from another player.

So keep them nasty sounds for them, and i bet they themselves play muted.
Its just to annoy other players. Not the way to go imo.
Last edited by sowozup on Apr 1, 2024, 6:55:18 PM
OggyPanda wrote:
Yea I can't believe they added this to the game - it doesn't fit the atmosphere of Path of Exile at all. GGG, are you ok?

I doubt they care about your opintion, or anyones tbh.
sowozup wrote:

So keep them nasty sounds for them, and i bet they themselves play muted.
Its just to annoy other players. Not the way to go imo.

Well, you're wrong. I never play muted, but I use the goblin pet fairly often and spend most of my time in hideout and town, trading. I like the little guys. I think they're kind of cute and I don't find the music annoying.

Some people here are very upset and passionate about their hatred of the goblin troupe and I really don't understand it. I'm starting to believe everyone has their volume set really high or something... The noise they make isn't that loud for me. It's the same volume as any of the NPCs I speak to, and the music they make isn't heavy metal or some absurdly annoying instrument- like someone blasting on a trumpet or violin. Their singing isn't annoyingly high pitched nor annoyingly low pitched, either.

The really ironic part is I have a debilitating sensitivity to certain noises IRL. So from my point of view it's kind of amazing everyone hates the goblin boys while I have no issue with their music.

Btw my goal is not to annoy people. If i wanted to annoy people in town with MTX sounds there are other, far more annoying ways to do it (which I will not disclose).
I'll pay $60.00 USD for an MTX that either allows me to turn off the volume of other MTX or outright kills the Goblins for a few minutes.

If you make the goblins die in a titanic splatter of gore, I'll pay $90.00 USD.

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