Content Update 3.23.0 -- Path of Exile: Affliction

Sorry but guardians sentinel of radiance is still too op for ruthless even at 50% less damage. The whole node is a problem. I know ruthless is a side project but please…that node needs a complete overhaul for ruthless. I would prefer a full gutting of that node as opposed to its current stage. Regardless thanks for the awesome league and changes coming this league.
ㆍZombieㆍ wrote:
Sorry but guardians sentinel of radiance is still too op for ruthless even at 50% less damage. The whole node is a problem. I know ruthless is a side project but please…that node needs a complete overhaul for ruthless. I would prefer a full gutting of that node as opposed to its current stage. Regardless thanks for the awesome league and changes coming this league.

Yep. And for some reason they even didn't touch PF. PF and Assassin were most trashy ascendancies on HC especially to start with. At least Assassin got some buffs, but PF got nothing.

That is my PF (Top-2 by the level of this shitty class).
Last edited by cursorTarget on Dec 7, 2023, 12:21:52 AM
Nobody can talk shit about this patch being bare bones
IGN: HarroHarbinger
25% reservation kills Barkskin on arrival. GGG has been systematically removing reservation efficiency from players and now expect them to slap another 25% on already tight packed setups?

Remove the reservation from the skill and tweak the numbers due to it if you have to. Or be consistent and slap a resrvation on Primal Aegis as well.
I'm quite sad of seeing Exanguinate with a flat drop of 40% damage by removing the enchant and not increasing the base gem damage when It never had hight damage to begin with.

On other point, I do feel that this "expansion" is just a general nerf in defenses and ofense while hiding it with new gems that would be in either way and that you put 0 effort in it

I mean, no new bosses, a few new gems that you are making up in the last weeks, you said it in the stream, the number of alternate gems depends on how many you can make in this 2 weeks.

Its like Poe 2 is taking all the effort and this already became a side project.

Challenge rewards ??
Were only seeing campaign footage. Think about the difference between what your character looks like during acts vs maps. Cmon folks, wake up. This is the greatest ARPG Game Development team on the planet. Have some faith. PoE2 is going to reward SKILL.. That alone is enough to make the right players excited. Imagine if you will, having a set of gear, then imagine KNOWING in your heart that you are out performing that gear. Every new piece you find will be that much more exciting as your power level slowly creeps up to those around you. Cause you are already confident in your ability to play the game.. Anyone spooked about PoE2, IMO They are only exposing their lack of confidence that they can get the job done. The good news? YOU STILL HAVE POE 1 to play and its amazing.. Cause here we all are.. But PoE2 is going to be AMAZING!! ABSOLUTELY FKN AMAZING!! I would bet the farm on it!
The mines are still trash. Became even worse.
Seems skipping this one too.
Some existing skill gems have had stats or interactions removed from the base gem and moved to the Transfigured versions to provide more focused support for pre-existing alternate playstyles.

So when it comes to RF, this was a lie. You just removed the playstyle altogether and gave us meme build garbage in return, and didn't even have the decency to not string us along until the last second.
Fairgraves was a slave trafficker specialized in the kidnapping and transport of children. He was not "a good man".
so can all items be updated using a divine orb ?
that got changes.

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