Ancestor Challenge Rewards

I'm not into furry - so no challenge farming for me i guess. A bit disappointed.
I thought they will go extra crazy with rewards because of all D4
Andvareel wrote:
I usually use the low tiered stuff anyway since I prefer a more minimalist look.

But... I don't really even see what we're getting in t3 and t4.
Sure, there's some minor glow difference, but that it's hardly noticeable even when zoomed in and with nothing else happening on screen.

Are there extra effects we're getting? Are the t3-t4 gloves/boots pretty much pointless?

We could at least use a voiceover explaining what's happening when the difference seems so minor. The base seems fine but I really see nothing there trying to tempt me to go past t2.

Not sure (maybe just imagine it) but i think T3/T4 gives a new enemy HP bar and a bloody splash effect similar like "Extra Gore" affix on some uniques.
Masterpiece of 3.16 lore
"A mysterious figure appears out of nowhere, trying to escape from something you can't see. She hands you a rusty-looking device called the Blood Crucible and urges you to implant it into your body."

Only usable with Ethanol Flasks
I wonder which part of that gear set triggers the gore effect.
General discussion gaming forums are almost always a cesspit of ignorance and trolls.
The new POE2 'blood on floor'-effect look like hot melted candle wax.

Am I the only one thinking that the new VFX for blood looks off?
I like flashy stuff better, but this one isn't bad at all. Has a lot of dynamic elements, and not just a static model.

I just won't see any of that when I blast ;)
No armour effects? =(
Last edited by Benzka on Aug 18, 2023, 5:40:15 AM
thats it? eeeeeh????!!!! at least its free but not motivating really
I really miss portal, footsteps and wings rewards :(
Looks cool though. Druid vibe.

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