Ancestor Challenge Rewards

oh s*** here we go again
I mean people have complained about rewards since rewards exist.
When they handed out portals and wings, there's always been a constant amount of people complaining about the lack of body armours as reward instead.
Now someone threw down an uno-reverse-card.

However, I too am disappointed in how lackluster this league's rewards look.
Arian Synthesis of G3
fistoz wrote:
Multiple leagues in a row there's nothing but random armor set you won't see more than 3 pixels differences while playing !
No new objectives each leagues, since a year, that's boring af !

Where are the pets, the portal effects, hideouts, footprints, wings, gear effects and so on ?!
Not even asking for super RGB flashy stuff (even though we had before), but at least some little things rather than a bland helmet that's just as random as putting on some uniques without MTX..

I think the main reason is Kirac Vault Pass. Easy achieve for players and money for GGG. It is win for all.
kankadir94 wrote:
Started working, im afraid I cant get 38 this league Sadge
No need to, T2 looks just like T4, difference is only with subtle glow shader.
Organic chemistry is a weird thing. If you add a spoon of shit to a barrel of jam you'll get a barrel of shit.
So how hard are most challenges? I know GGG wants more people to play ruthless. It was seen with the Over whelming support for ruthless in Content Update 3.22.0 -- Path of Exile: Trial of the Ancestors. I mean 8 challenges compared to 35-40 for full t4 gear seems like they want to tease players into ruthless again. 8 challenges should be done within a week or two. There are some really easy ones most of the time no?
now I understood why they don't showed the reward before... it is [Removed by Support]... great job
...If It Bleeds We Can Kill It...
Last edited by Tai_GGG on Aug 18, 2023, 11:39:30 AM
Last edited by lecotitan on Aug 18, 2023, 11:37:15 AM
How much do you all want to bet that these cosmetics were just ripped from something they developed in poe2 and used here because they could literally careless about POE1 and rushed the challenge rewards out. Why else would they release it at the last possible second. Minimum effort video and rewards/tiers.

Please everyone, do not buy supporter packs. Vote with your wallets. If GGG stopped making money they would be forced to change and start putting quality content out instead of dedicating 95% of their workforce to a completely different game.
Imagine getting a free MTX set from challenges and still complain.

Alternate universe: Devs release challenge rewards and its just titles and hideout decoration - ppl going WOOOT NO ARMOR MTX? FK THIS SHIT IM OUT.

Peace :)

P.S - yea I can totaly see POE2 druid wearing that.
Last edited by Ariklan on Aug 18, 2023, 11:40:41 AM

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