Path of Exile Expansion Soundtracks

Obbu wrote:
Man Kalandra had such an amazing soundtrack.

For all the criticism it received (some rightly, some wrongly), I really enjoyed that mechanic and the music was one of the best we've seen in game to date.

Hope it comes back at some stage!

I couldn't agree more. I feel the majority of LoK's sins were more related to Archnemesis rather than LoK itself.
I really love the last few OST, Michael James Collier has done an amazing work on Kalandra and Sanctum. Not much to say about Crucible as I don't really engage with the mechanic but if these trailers music could be choosen in the Hideout jukebox that would be lit.

Sentinel trumpet sounds or whatever that is, so strong.
PoE music is very good 11/10.
But where is mannequin mtx that was announced on official crucible stream with it comming out on release?
SANCTUM 10/10 amazing work
Can we get the "Lycia" theme added to the hideout music player please?

This one.
Would be nice, that hideout music would be updated.... with those musics
Coolulder wrote:
Love a lot of PoE's music. Would really love to see the original Lioneye's Watch music available for the hideout too.

Never going to happen. The reason the old music was changed is that GGG doesn't have the rights to it anymore. Word out there is that there were suspicions of plagiarism - true or not, GGG did ditch both the music and the composer without ceremony before moving on to Kamil.
Any chance we can get the sentinel song added to the ingame hideout music selector? I wasn't able to find it.
I like a lot his work. Thanks!

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