Path of Exile: Crucible Console Launch

Does 12 AM mean 00:00?
Bilal_Ibrahim wrote:
Does 12 AM mean 00:00?

Last edited by auslander13 on Apr 12, 2023, 7:53:59 AM
Knoqturnal1 wrote:
maybe we could get some kind of compensation for being a few days behind.

Compensation? For a free game?

Console launch has always been later than PC launch, its just the way it is. Of course, that means PC leagues end earlier than Console leagues so its generally a wash on total time.
auslander13 wrote:
Knoqturnal1 wrote:
maybe we could get some kind of compensation for being a few days behind.

Compensation? For a free game?

Console launch has always been later than PC launch, its just the way it is. Of course, that means PC leagues end earlier than Console leagues so its generally a wash on total time.

+1 for this post

LOL how ppl react for something free. I rmbr how long I waited for console release.

GGG i hope this league will be good.
Nice :D

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GL and GG to the console guys.
Despite all the childish negativity.

Just wanted to say thank you GGG for you continued support for console. It is appreciated.
When is the accual update on console gonna happen? Because it was said its gonna happen on the 7th, now its the 12th, but it isn't the 12th its actually the 13th? Some major date and time reading issues u are having...
Maybe you guys look for the Servers first before releasing...

The PC Servers are Burning since League Start!
Perhaps its only on EU Servers...?! BUT COME ON Seriously...

Unplayable at the moment!
Thank you GGG for not abandoning console, it would be easy to justify as only a small number play compared to the PC version. Without PoE on console I wouldn't be able to play and this would be a shame.

Roll on Friday morning!
hardcore casual.

Playing PoE for years and having fun despite GGG.
Knoqturnal1 wrote:
maybe we could get some kind of compensation for being a few days behind

Would have lol'ed at this if it wasn't so dumb. Compensation? Really? O_o
PC players queue up in hundreds of thousands to kind of beta-test the whole thing, get hotfix after hotfix while being annoyed by stupid bugs,...
Meanwhile, on console, we get the recently patched version.

What i don't like about this separation are
1. Having the paid-for content like stash-tabs be exclusive to the version you bought it in (i play on both systems...or actually, on 3: PC, PS4, XB1).
2. Not making use of the right stick to target!
It pissed me off in D2 especially, it pisses me off in PoE CE.
What's so hard about implementing the goddamn right stick as an alternative for the mouse?!
Just have the right stick move a cursor for totems, ground spells, projectiles, etc.
It works in the inventory (quickly changing the cursor's position), it works in the Passive and Atlas tree - why does it not in the field?

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