Kirac's Vault

This vault iteration is the step in worst direction possible. No currency or in game advantage items should EVER come from anything but the main game loop. I belive GGG should reconsider this decision and make changes either right now or next league as gap between p2w shop items and free currency for everybody who progress their atlas is smallest gap in history of gaps.

Deeply upset about this being even a consideration in game i very much love and enjoy. My only hope this being made as experiment and we will never see anything like this ever again.

Molten armour looks weak compared to previous iterations of Vault pass, but its alright as pass being purchasable for points.
add mageblood on next league for 50$ premium line xDDD
Last edited by SlavikOld on Apr 8, 2023, 3:22:55 AM
so... its started... the oficial Pay2Win in PoE...

“That's one small step for Kirac's Vault buyers, one giant leap for GGG.”
...If It Bleeds We Can Kill It...
how many armor sets do we need...
Finally armour-MTX that is not tied to uniques I don't have or don't want to use. Delete consumables from free track and move the loot-boxes to free and it would be perfect.
Last edited by Squadro on Apr 8, 2023, 5:43:55 AM
PoE officially p2w(items for real money). Waiting d4
What ?????

Poe p2w ??

Pull your head out of your ass

What kind of shit is this ?

Curency ? P2w lol

Your strength is the law !!

MadG poe on youtube for mellee content
Just remove the battle pass altogether.
This one is just a set + some mystery boxes.
Stick to the working systems.
And yeah, free one is a joke, just an anchor to work as a reminder about battle pass.
But - tbh - free side is a bit lackluster, but at least you got rid of that stupid "unique item mtx only" crap. If there was an option to turn of effects from set - like that body armor effect (FFS GIVE US LESS VISUAL CLUTTER FOR ONCE), it would be really nice armor set.
Hi, I don't usually comment here but I care deeply about this.
The "free track" feels insulting and I would like for it to be removed as soon as possible.

I love supporter packs, to me they're a symbol of a company truly doing its absolute best to make the most of an often grimy business model.
Allowing players to "upgrade" from point purchases to supporter packs and from supporter packs to more expensive ones is a very customer-friendly move which I have always appreciated.

Same goes for supporter packs being priced at exactly their point value. It speaks to the company's confidence about its offering, to wanting the customer to feel good about their purchase.

Same goes for allowing players to pay for private leagues as they go, by adding slots and time whenever they choose.

With GGG's history as an exemplar in the freemium space, seeing you add the vault pass and advertise it directly in the Atlas UI was extremely sad to see. Condescending to the player with imaginary "progression" that they've made towards "unlocking" a product that you're in actuality selling for 30$ was a sad first step that I found was at least not too difficult to ignore.

It has now come to displaying permanent notifications at those same arbitrary milestones and forcing the player to engage with your in-game advertisement to make it go away. This kind of in-game advertising is obviously, and purposely too difficult for me to ignore.

So again I'm asking you to make the vault pass at least easy to ignore again, to stop notifying me in game and forcing me to acknowledge it, I guarantee you that it only builds resentment.
Last edited by simisticot on Apr 8, 2023, 8:48:57 AM

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