Core Supporter Packs FAQ

Can it please be made that the floating effect is a character effect? The armor is great but would love to utilize this floating with other armors.
Last edited by ABVT on Dec 23, 2022, 3:16:34 PM
Its Xmas time. A good soul to send me a Supporter Pack? hahaha
btw Awesome job with these packs :)
Do I need to use every piece of the armour for the effects, like flying? Or is it enough with just the body armour?
I Love the white version of map device mtx, but I don't want to run low tier maps for it, please allow it to choose the color version on any map tier.
I think the Voidborn Armor has little contrast in the internal details, it seems "missing something".

I like this year's set (except Tormentor and BloodThirsty), but I don't feel safe, PoE is going in a very strange way, it feels like a Casino and not a video game, several of its concepts contradict each other.

Furthermore, while you are able to make new leagues, beautiful new MTX, PoE still has numerous technical and conceptual problems that are extremely annoying and greatly hinder gameplay (ironically, gameplay in PoE is almost non-existent), we also have almost none of the which will be PoE2, which in itself is a big redflag.

Unfortunately I don't feel more confident in investing time/money in PoE.
I didnt see new supporter pack in Epic Games. When will they arrive in epic games ?
Dear GGG,
please please please detach the floating effect from the armour piece so I can use it with other armours as well. I beg of you!
Why didn’t console gets these core packs and why was that fact completely ignored?!?!?
I also think that custom effects shouldn't be tied to certain armour pieces.
Please, i don't want to find myself to stop using older armour sets, because they are missing some new incredibly awesome must have effect.
Last edited by DinoStalker12 on Dec 24, 2022, 2:03:36 PM
soulburn wrote:
Dear GGG,
please please please detach the floating effect from the armour piece so I can use it with other armours as well. I beg of you!

Well what about all other effects that are tied to items?
Poe 2.0 new trailers when?

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