New Core Supporter Packs Available Now!

If only quality of an actual gameplay got as much development attention as your MTXes get...
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing" - Edmund Burke
francorocco23 wrote:
there's something very dealbreaker to me about those new gimmicky mtx

not sure if anyone else agrees

the fact that those added effects only work when you're using certain pieces is not cool, that floating effect for example ,why does it have to be attached to the body armour? i'm forced to use this armour if i want to float, the same for most of the most recent gimmicky stuff you're making recently, just make it a separate effect that you can attach to any body armour for example, just like the extra gore effect has it's own slot right next to the weapon effect and they don't share the slot

that been said, going to 100% buy those, but please, consider adding a option to use the gimmicky effects with other pieces of gear, so we can mix and match better, last box for example had the gloves that changed how the ailments looked, but i can't justify myself using them because they look realy bad with the sets i usualy wear, and i can't just have the alternative ailment without wearing them, just make it a ring effect or wathever

Yes this annoyed me as well, feel almost forced to always use the chest and backpiece now.
IGN @ TestRound
IGN @ allincall
I'm getting half of a monthly salary as an end year bonus in January. Guess, now I know what I'm spending it on.

At the beginning I used to buy packs for the points, because I wanted other MTXs from the shop. After getting all the things I wanted, what convinced me to buy last year top tier pack were the tarot cards (I'm usually not into physical merch).

But this time around the content of the packs is just way too good. Well, it will be fun to have a few thousand points, that I don't plan to spend.
By the muscular golden arse of Innocence!

What in damnation have you done?!

My Divination Cards: Desecrated Virtue (3.12), The Tireless Extractor (3.17)
These are by far the best Microtransactions I have come across! I love all packs and there is finally an option to FLOAT! I dreamed of my witch floating while throwing badass spells around and keep on floating across the carnage afterwards like the badass Queen she is <3
Toshis8 wrote:
If only quality of an actual gameplay got as much development attention as your MTXes get...

they do, but you just dont care about it.
Diablo 2 > Diablo 1 > Diablo 4 > Diablo > Torchlight > Titan Quest > Grim Dawn > Diablo Immortal > Path of Exile 2 > Path of Exile.
I'd definitely buy one of these packs if the floating was decoupled from the body armour - the armour is ok but not a favourite for me.
I hate having to buy each tier in order to unlock the good ones. I'd rather pay $200 for the final tier than $480 for pieces that will never see the light of day. I wish they'd change this so more people could get in on the good sets.
I dont know if this has been said yet but could we get the Atlas hideout as a single transaction and make it so you can select maps from your map tab?
I would also be understanding if the Atlas hideout was something different, just the premise is so cool.

Pretty impressed with a lot of this stuff but that atlas hideout @.@
Hideout bases and decorations shouldn't be part of supporter packs imo as they are limited for a time. They should be all available in the store thinking that they are part of the hideout building experience, unlike skins and other mtx which don't affect gameplay(Well some of these now affect gameplay a bit, explained below). I think place of hideout bases and decorations can be filled with different stuff in the next ones and be even more attractive. I also have to say skins are really nice this time, I see myself buying one sometime next year.

raf_beckett wrote:
francorocco23 wrote:
the fact that those added effects only work when you're using certain pieces is not cool, that floating effect for example ,why does it have to be attached to the body armour? i'm forced to use this armour if i want to float, the same for most of the most recent gimmicky stuff you're making recently, just make it a separate effect that you can attach to any body armour for example, just like the extra gore effect has it's own slot right next to the weapon effect and they don't share the slot

that been said, going to 100% buy those, but please, consider adding a option to use the gimmicky effects with other pieces of gear, so we can mix and match better, last box for example had the gloves that changed how the ailments looked, but i can't justify myself using them because they look realy bad with the sets i usualy wear, and i can't just have the alternative ailment without wearing them, just make it a ring effect or wathever

Starting with this I would also like to ask if there is any chance of you ever at least enabling some kind of toggle or whatever to disable these effects. Evolution based on stats often also leads to some MTX only being usable by specific builds that max those stats and it's somewhat sad to gatekeep potentially good looking things for only a handful of builds/classes...

That being said: thanks for your efforts and a nice end of the year to you folks. :)

I fully agree with these. I am using one specific looking character in terms of mtx and only upgrading parts of it with the newly released mtx I buy, and these new additions become rarer and rarer because look of the character is progressing with each upgrade. I would love to be able to add the effects of the packs I buy seperately like mentioned here, as it becomes almost impossible for an effect I liked to have a fitting armor skin to the set I made. Like I might or might not use the helm from Hellfire supporter pack(depends if it will fit or not), I would love to add it's effect to another skin if I don't. You can make these transfers "helm to helm", "body armour to body armour", and on, with added slots next to each. If you do this change, please don't forget to modify contents of recent supporter packs having these type of effects, they aren't a lot. If this is not possible, at least a toggle on/off for the effects is needed. Personally speaking, first one can make me buy more packs because I will be able to transfer the effects to the character I'm building, or remove them from the skins to just to have the skins themselves.

Istaro wrote:
Wow, that's some interestingly PTW territory. Being able to see when your Vaal skill is ready/when you can gain souls again/when your cooldown skill is ready without looking all the way into the corner of your screen? No biggie if there were WoW-style UI mods, but in the absence thereof, these packs sound like a substantial advantage.

I was thinking about this for sometime. In an endgame where you move and kill with insane speeds inbetween hordes of monsters, most of these effects won't be visible at all. And tbh I would prefer to look at the corner of the screen to be %100 sure because I can miss an effect. This is something that will help more in the learning cycle or in early parts of a league. But despite all these, I agree with you. They still bring benefits to gameplay, beating the purpose of a Poe microtransaction.

Whissl wrote:
How is the "nominate a unique for the voidborn reliquary" going to work?

If i pick a unique, the colour and add a little text, but others choose that unique as well, does that mean only one version will be added? That would mean that some would get nothing?
Or are all versions going to be added which means you can get different version of the same unique from the new keys?

Karsa__Orlong wrote:
Will the Atlas Hideout layout be updated as the Atlas changes over time?

I'm also wondering the answers to these.
𝐀 𝐭𝐨𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝒓𝒆𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒖𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝐢𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠❢ 🪽
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No option to 'upgrade' with these new packs? I could of had the first tier of the last supporter pack for $5 - but now my upgrade option doesn't apply and you want me to pay full price to start again?

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