Path of Exile: The Forbidden Sanctum Teasers

Does cursed ground reapply the curse automatically if it is "removed"? For instance if an enemy is on cursed ground and I cast hexblast, to remove it, is it reapplied instantly for my next cast to still have the AoE component of hexblast?
Last edited by Jungz on Nov 30, 2022, 6:04:14 PM
with all due respect, why not call domination just shrines? or am i mixing things up? since even in the atlas tree the name of the shrines nodes are "shrines"? i think i'm being too annoying with this sorry
How about adding aoe tag to the gem and add increased curse effectiveness to conc effect?
so is cursed ground just an inferior hextouch lol? or i guess it does exactly the same thing without the new downsides of hextouch. That's really REALLY dumb
Last edited by jsuslak313 on Nov 30, 2022, 6:19:02 PM
Ultimatum please
Harbinger 6 chaos. Exalt splinters are changed to divine? And Delirium lowered to 10 cha, nerfed a lot? Can't wait for tomorrow stream, boys.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
Last edited by TizeNO on Nov 30, 2022, 6:50:25 PM
jsuslak313 wrote:
so is cursed ground just an inferior hextouch lol? or i guess it does exactly the same thing without the new downsides of hextouch. That's really REALLY dumb

It allows you apply curses on single target without removing aoe's and is according to the gem text, non restricted(no trigger tag), which makes it useful on things other then wave of conviction or triggered skills. it also stays down so there may be further synergies with cursed ground, which could result in different types of curse builds or utility use then hextouch.

its probably, until they show other curse changes, just unilaterally better then hextouch.
Beyond has potential - if GGG fixes it. Since right now I doubt it would be worth it. They need to at least up the currency drops, and/or increase the spawns and remove the mechanic that causes mobs to stop spawning after a boss spawns.
Ritual is a bit odd. I guess if you heavily spec into it you might get a return?
Also pogshrine, gull league kek
BlasczeM wrote:
Beyond has potential - if GGG fixes it. Since right now I doubt it would be worth it. They need to at least up the currency drops, and/or increase the spawns and remove the mechanic that causes mobs to stop spawning after a boss spawns.
Ritual is a bit odd. I guess if you heavily spec into it you might get a return?

Lots of people get mirror or headhunter so that's why i guess. Similar to last league div cards gambling with harvest. You get million of percent investment back and have great league, if you are lucky of course lol I know im not, so no Ritual for me.
More stronger and less white pollution screen mobs = heathier game experience.
Last edited by TizeNO on Nov 30, 2022, 7:05:01 PM

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