3.20 Balance Manifesto: Curses

Melee? Ultimatum? Royale? When...
I like the idea behind the changes.

Hidden curse boss resistance was a real problem.

But I can't keep feeling like something is awfully wrong.

That ring power in comparison to malediction is nuts. The +1 curse of occultist is now garbage. that ring will be mandatory. Only the "hexproff part" is good. Makes me wonder if it'll be available elsewhere globally.

Cursebots are all gonna use max power charge, that ring and a way to cast on something...

makes me wonder if GGG want real people or bots to play their game (trade bots, curse bots, etc).
After all, the more bots the more stash tabs they sell.

I was waiting for this! This is the most interesting information for me, especially with the buff to pinnacle bosses. I am also curious if there will be trap nerfs or buffs, I am tired of seismic trap meta and flamethrower trap to be way behind, please fix that.

Also, a big THANK YOU! This really makes me smile, I like the chances.
First reaction to the title:

Oh this will be interesting.

Reaction to the TLDR:

Mmm I wonder how they're pulling this off

Reaction to how GGG is pulling this off:

"The curse effect notables on cluster jewels have been replaced with other appropriate ones. For example, the one that used to grant Flammability effect"

...I feel so attacked rn.
Where is the insane Curse Aura Bot build?

Quote me if you think of any way to make it actually feasible with the ring (I imagine the ring will not be an easy find).

Thank you ahead of time if you think of anything...
I know I can snag the +1 to maximum Power Charge nodes, but would it actually work. I would also imagine I would go Occultist.
GG ! finnaly some good news , hope they wont destroy every gems to 'balance' the game
Not sure why the need to nerf blasphemy, it seems a bit heavy handed. There is already a mana reservation requirement to use the gem. If a nerf does need to happen it should be slight.
garbol84 wrote:
"The Occultist ascendancy class has had some stats removed and moved around to counteract some of the power gain from the above changes."

- what si this? it donest say anything... occultist relied on curses, it made occultist unique (i think every ascendency should have some unique mechanics)

cursed enemies exploding is a unique mechanic
I suspect the penalty for non-selfcast will be ridiculously high. Getting to 2 curses is now huge so those items that give +1 and Whispers of Doom become inherently more valuable.

Seems like a huge buff to early league gameplay and I expect that it will be a huge nerf to endgame gameplay. Ok I guess. I would want to play a build with far fewer button presses if I'm forced to now selfcast 2 curses for every boss.

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