3.20 Balance Manifesto: Curses

I am pretty on board with the changes here, but like with the jewel changes they just seem like odd places to put your attention. I can imagine a lot of dev time went into redoing arch nem (again) and you had to just fit in what other balance you could get to that's been on the list; but there are a lot of things that the community and ggg have talked about needing improvement that have been seemingly ignored again.

While I personally do not care, melee still needs the rework that was promised for this patch on the 3.19 announcement stream. While you may feel like it is in a good place now, not having a discussion about loot is short sited at best. The trade system desperately needs an overhaul and is consistently one of if not the most frustrating part of the game. The ui is ancient at this point, when you updated the skill tree you said that it was older then some of the devs children, on top of that your ui was meant to be reminiscent of older games, so this compounds into being one of the most outdated things about your game. We have also been dealing with basically the same meta for 3 leagues now.

Your game needs work and if all of these things are not going to be ready for poe 2 then that needs to be delayed.

I also realize we do not have the context of the reveal or the patch notes so some of these issues may be addressed but to quote some asshole at GDC "Always make the game as good as it can be right now."
DragonSound wrote:
Your game needs work and if all of these things are not going to be ready for poe 2 then that needs to be delayed.

You are actually very optimistic when you think they will not delay Poe 2 several times for whatever reason. They delayed every league start this year and it's only minor thing compared to a whole new game. And sadly not a single one delayed league was better in anything than the previous.
Last edited by lukaskodlos on Nov 28, 2022, 11:49:05 AM
good reworks and buffs in THIS GAME ? where is Chriss,what did you do to him ???
unless they mean by "double effect on lv20" is nerfing them at level 1,then nvm.
Last edited by Nibelton on Nov 28, 2022, 11:56:58 AM
LizzyInATizzy wrote:
"In most cases, systems that facilitate somewhat automated gameplay, like Hextouch applying Hexes automatically, should either come at a much higher cost or be less effective. In some cases, both are needed to counterbalance the significant upside of automation. Otherwise, the option to automate will always be the obvious choice and eclipse other more interactive gameplay styles."

Do you guys just HATE Accessibility players or what??? Every other studio is reaching out to partner with Accessibility Organizations to ensure their game is playable (and without pain) for everyone. You guys seem bound and determined to go the exact opposite direction. As an Li/Low APM player (from physical injuries) and a supporter of Accessibility in Gaming Organizations and charities, I have to say this is kind of disgusting.

I already have to plan my builds around automation just to play your game at all. I always sacrifice a ton of DPS. It's the only way a lot of us can play at all. I just don't understand why you want to drive us away.

I am right here with you in the Accessibility boat. Know you are not alone in these struggles. I have played PoE since alpha and the amount of disdain they show to the accessibility group is becoming putrid.
forgot the doom in the calculation.
so for a map boss with 33% less curse effect.

one curse 40% increased damage taken.
doom is removed. so we lose the 1,3 multiplier. and gain the removal of 33% less. so we go from 40%*1,3*0,66 = 40%*86% to 40% so we gain 5,6% on map bosses. and we re nerfed on all automated curse. looooooooooooool
Last edited by SerialF on Nov 28, 2022, 12:05:32 PM
LukasKodlos wrote:
compared to a whole new game

You think PoE 2 is a new game? You poor innocent child...
a new campaign, if they do it right, is a new game, especially with new ascendancies and much improved graphical engine and also a change in game pace. for any game this would be enough to be called a new game.
IIPhoenixII wrote:
GGG needs a reality check
PoE gameplay is VERY fast based compared to other ARPG's and trying to self cast curses on every pack of monsters while mapping is literally impossible no matter how many "Buffs" you throw at them.
Does anyone from GGG's dev team actually play the game ???

Curse on hit ring
What are your plans for Vixen's Entrapment gloves? because they don't work since you introduced the "hex" tag to the gems.
Strip Occultist from its identity, while making it do 10% less damage and take 10% more damage. Like wtf, why aren't people reacting to this ultimate nerf ?!
And I'm not even talking about all the minor nerfs (which in themselves should have been more than enough).

But NOOO, we need to triple/quadruple nerf obviously. What is the point ? Seriously what is the point ? The ''reasons'' given in this manifesto make no sense. Actually wait, no reasons were given for removing malediction on cursed monsters.

Just delete the Occultist ascendancy at this point. Seriously...

Want everyone to play Saboteur, Champion, Inquisitor and Necromancer it seems... as they have all been broken for years *thumbs up emoji*
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Last edited by Senju_Hyoketsu on Nov 28, 2022, 12:45:41 PM

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