3.20 Balance Manifesto: Curses

Rip Occultist! Rip my plan for the league.
I guess GGG can't see the op of inquisitor and nerf occultist.
Pretty happy with the outline of these changes.

I'm a little nervous about the Occultist changes, but it can always be adjusted in 3.21 if the change went too far in this one.

Super glad Doom is going away. It was such a clunky mechanic.

I'll reserve any further judgment for patch notes.
rip malediction. you will be missed by all of my occy builds.
i hope new doomsday will keep the active area of effect thing, animation was very cool and it was very useful for certain situations.

also please buff impending doom hard, without %more damage it might suck total ass ;/
Does stronger Temp Chains and Enfeble mean they will be stronger against players as well?
Am curious about Arcanist Brand casted curses.
This is not ok.
This is not pog.

This is a complete pointless and negative gutting to a valid and good mechanic.

This removes:
A handful of Curse/Doom/Hex related uniques.
A handful of gems relating to Doom and Hex.
Doom damage in general.
Build diversity by needlessly removing Doom mechanic for Hexes/Curse builds.

Please revert these changes immediately.
This is not a buff, this is not simplifying.

This is blatant nerfing.

I'm not happy with this.
I can run temporal chains as a viable defense now :)

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