3.20 Balance Manifesto: Monster Mods and Archnemesis

Sadly this manifestos look very underwhelming, i was hopeful with archnemesis changes but it's just not exciting. Making rares easier its nice but loot gets (for what it seem like with the wording) nerfed.
Looks to me that GGG stacked all the good loot in a few archnemesis mods, nerfed a little bit and making rares really hard (sometimes impossible) creating the PROBLEM.
Then now giving a "solution" by tuning down the rares but diluting the already nerfed loot. It's just my opinion. Will be back next year while they don't even know how to fix the issue they created. Good luck out there exiles!
So, let me get this straight... we went through Sentinel with tons of feedback and then Lake of Kalandra with tons of feedback for you to essentially just revert the system the old Nemesis system again, just with updated names?

And the entire justification for removing the "massive historical bonus" to league-specific monsters was because it would have made Archnemesis monsters too rewarding, and you didn't address that at all?

Just tell us when the loot manifesto is already so we can stop with this drip-drip-drip nonsense.
Right decision, artists should usually stick to their vision but Archnemesis Everywhere just was way to intrusive in every gameplay aspect and I still can't believe that monsters dropping 60 whetstones and armourer scraps made it into the game.
Last edited by merchantmudcrab on Nov 16, 2022, 3:20:00 PM
HUH actually solid changes. For the FAQ: Will the number of mods per rare change in any way or stay as is?
Oh my goodness! Your changes to Rare Monsters are amazing! I hope you as a company are happy with the direction and choice as well. I absolutely love it!
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Looks pretty good as long as the mobs don't just get the same mods without being called by the archnem name. Overall looks like a lot of good changes. Looking forward to hearing more details
This looks very reasonable, and for the most part covers perceived issues with the system.

Hard to say how it'll feel before actually playing, but this makes me slightly optimistic.
So instead of calling in magic find for a specific god touched, we have to call in culler for all god touched??? How is this a fix to the magic find issue?
Remember to unnerf Quantity Rarity PackSize and beyond. Otherwise this would be way worse than toucheds
uhh, i cant WAIT to kill an AN monster and get 500 armour scraps, 75 flasks! Last league was the first league were i never ran dry of portal/wisdom scrolls! WOOO

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