Mayhem Begins Soon - Hideout and Pets Weekend Sale

Can't wait!
"All that fancy sword swinging when all you need is one good stab."
"Reach level 70 and you will get resonator portal effect, if you are lucky"


I am rolling d20 and playing your game it if its 20. It was 15.
Will atlas grind count in mayhem?
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.
dont like this event at all. after last changes core game is hard and make it even harder is unplayable for my build. i was expecting combination of leagues, not this garbanzo.
Playing marauder @ Hardcore leagues

Erm what happens if someone already has all the selected MTX's already from the chests?
Eag1e wrote:
Erm what happens if someone already has all the selected MTX's already from the chests?
See here.

Bex_GGG wrote:
If you've already purchased the entire Kalandra Mystery Box series, you'll instead be awarded with 2 x Warlord Mystery Boxes per Kalandra Box earned. So if you reach level 50 in two events, you'd end up with 4 x Warlord Mystery Boxes.
"Boah, is echt lächerlich, wie schnell das hier lädt, wenn nich irgendwelche Penner mit MTX hier rumhängen."
it'll give me something to do til ragnarok
I pass i take a break with POE
I have played only 13hs of Kalandra league...
So, lets play some 60hs more, at least now they will give me MTX for it.
Good luck to all participants!

I'll just sit this one out a little longer... Don't want to burn myself out before the likely end of my elongated break when 3.20 hits.

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