Ruthless FAQ

Thanks for the update hope to get an email back for the test :)
Someone is going to have to explain to me how Ruthless "isn't taking away resources from PoE or PoE2" but also has a bunch of stuff going on to make the game playable and balanced within Ruthless.

There's no way senior designers aren't going to be looking at Ruthless and going "hey, that looks fun, let's port that over to PoE proper as well". You guys have had piss poor communication, obfuscated facts to protect sales (and whether it was your intention doesn't matter because that's the perception you created), and then doubled-down on the most unpopular decisions in the game's history when the changes to loot for 3.19 were purely numerical and could have been reverted or at least walked back like 80% or 90%.

This is an absolutely massive waste of time and resources that will be incredibly unpopular after the novelty wears off and everyone heads back to SC Trade.
Super pumped for this! Thanks GGG! Feels like a birthday/christmas gift just for me!
It's 2022...probably about time to work on the responsiveness of your website. Bloody awful trying to read this on my phone
Since Ruthless is a lot slower-paced than the standard game, will timer-based content be adjusted to accommodate, or will these type of content be removed?
warpg8 wrote:
Someone is going to have to explain to me how Ruthless "isn't taking away resources from PoE or PoE2" but also has a bunch of stuff going on to make the game playable and balanced within Ruthless.

There's no way senior designers aren't going to be looking at Ruthless and going "hey, that looks fun, let's port that over to PoE proper as well". You guys have had piss poor communication, obfuscated facts to protect sales (and whether it was your intention doesn't matter because that's the perception you created), and then doubled-down on the most unpopular decisions in the game's history when the changes to loot for 3.19 were purely numerical and could have been reverted or at least walked back like 80% or 90%.

This is an absolutely massive waste of time and resources that will be incredibly unpopular after the novelty wears off and everyone heads back to SC Trade.

The same way console development and the same way the Tencent buyout didn't take away from the game.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
I'm still wondering why.
Ticklebear wrote:
Bigger waste of resources than all the badges to the right of this post.

Spit out my damn coffee. LOL
"Your grandchildren will awaken screaming in memory of what I utter today!"
- Path of Exile, Legacy Whispers of Doom Keystone
planning for a gear starved build... thats something new
IGN: Nivius
Ty for scam <3
Excited for Rutheless.

Would be extra amazing, if it came with disabled logout macros and related mechanisms!

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