November Event Topics

you refused to listen to your players for the entire league -> the most hated league of all time. any of your "events" would have been a better replacement for the current league fiasco.

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Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Nov 2, 2022, 5:48:52 PM
So everyone who is not havoc's group and is playing softcore can play another game then? Why does it hurt to give someone a virtual prize?

Is it because of rmt?
-> then make it non tradable.

Is it because it de values other prizes?
-> Then make several groups of prizes

Is it because you dont want to waste staff on hand picking all the demigods?
-> Then tell us we are not worth the money
Go damn I would pay to have a nice race

I wont play hardcore tho
I wont torture my body for several days if I cant even get ONE little virtuell prize. And even if I would if would not make fun because I would be the only one playing above level 97 (havocs group excluded)

2 is better, but GGG must give us 3 for 1 event, if this argument "not forced to play" have any truth in it.
I can FLY!
Nice changes :) Cya on the events.
It's not a potato without po... or tato.
Make 3.20 fun
Thank you for listening to the feedback and reviewing the prizes. I am really glad it has worked out for both parties. Thank you GGG ♥
Thanks for revisiting the rewards! And also releasing then on consoles ;)
This changes nothing

You ( ggg ) need to make it so you don't have to put out explanation posts or change how things are going to happen. Your posts should be very clear as to why they're happening with very little description. They should make sense when we read it like, " oh yeah they did this for this reason and it's so obvious".

[Removed by Support] why should you have to roll back and "fix" so much that you do? [Removed by Support] it looks like [Removed by Support] you just throw ish against the wall see what sticks then use us and the towel to clean up the mess.

I came back to test the game out and after 1 hour I was done again.

there is no hope

EDIT: I saw on another post " why not make events fun"

This too!!! Why not give endless delve the ability to drop all items in the game instead of the literal minimum available? Every node you do could have a chance to drop league or boss specific items and more likely the lower you go. How cool would it be to get a watchers eye in this mode?

I've played many hours of ED and enjoy it up to a certain point. after you get to a certain level / character strength it literally just becomes brain dead click and go.

I'm just so disappointed over all. I used to beg my friends to play with me. Now I'm embarrassed to even say I played this game.
Last edited by Lisa_GGG on Nov 2, 2022, 5:57:02 PM
Just my opinion :

make 3.20 fun please
remove AN
more more fun
lisen your community
best reward in game
best LOOT in game
give back old harvest for craft please !!!
& eat pancake :)

peace and love
MTX reward > item reward that will rot in standard

It was a good decision to move towards that.

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