Photos of GGG's Upstairs Office

Greatz! Love the rec room with flask tab!
QA team + 3.19 = ???
nice looks nice great good for the ggg pogger bois(and girls). ps give me the strength to go full ssf trade league is killing me i wish to be free of the torment of trade league.
Must nerf ! Some guy on the forums said so, therefore you shall do it.
It is mandatory.
You need to buy more stash tabs, and play months to fill them with items which to be deleted by GGG.
Where's the beer? And the wine?
where's the nerf deparment?
Tachykir wrote:

No 40 yet? slacking my man - NEVER :)
So much leatcher black couches, arent them uncomfortable?
Looks like a really nice place to work, plenty of good space, great light. Glad y'all have a chill atmosphere to work your magic. I like to think that loot drop rates are controlled by the BMOW in the audio room.

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