Gman's 3.21 Chieftain Strength Stacker Consec Path / Volcanic Fissure Totems [80 Mil+ Pinnacle DPS]

I see alot on POE ninja going with a wave of conviction mine setup!? what is the resaon for this?

charge generation and wave does dmg while in a trap/mine, allowing for exposure
What do you think is the best invocation? I chose Unwavering Stance for QoL but is there any objectively best?
Hi first of all nice build. I like it but i'm having trouble feels like i'm hitting a wall. I feel like i don't deal as much damge as i thought plus i feel ultra squishy. I'm missing skill points for my cluster and i don't have enough currency for forbidden flame/flesh. What can i upgrade except awakened skill gem. I got a decent pair of gloves with the essence on it but if i put it on i'm uncapped in cold res. if it helps thx
Sir_Niclas wrote:
What do you think is the best invocation? I chose Unwavering Stance for QoL but is there any objectively best?

I think Iron Will is nice (im using it). It let you to have 5 passsive points to another things. I dont use Unwavering Stance and I dont see any QoL using this.
If you dont use unwavering what are you doing about stuns?
Hey, Thank you for your guide. Loving this build so far. However am I missing something ? I am summoning ancestral protector totems 1st but then I am able just to summon 2 conc path totems. Multiple totems support does specify that its just the supported skill. Does this mean I will not be able to get 3 conc path totems up ?
DzonyEu wrote:
Hey, Thank you for your guide. Loving this build so far. However am I missing something ? I am summoning ancestral protector totems 1st but then I am able just to summon 2 conc path totems. Multiple totems support does specify that its just the supported skill. Does this mean I will not be able to get 3 conc path totems up ?

Read his guide. Summon multiple totem only decreases your cast rate but your limit cannot exceed. Or else every build would have multiple totems to multiply their limits (would be beyond broken).

You need +1 totem from tree and +1 from shield.

Order: 1 summon of two (2) ancestal protecto for dps, then you summon 2 conc totems, then you summon your vaal ancestral (doesn't count for totem threshold) for a total of 4 totems.

If you mess up, you will have 3 buff totems instead of 2 and 1 conc (I think you end up losing 66% dps?).
Last edited by cheelos on Jan 21, 2023, 2:49:47 AM
I am having a ton of fun with the build (especially with the 2 to 3 fire damage per 10 strength sanctified relic) but I unfortunately feel extremely squishy still.

Even with capped resists, 75% block chance, 8k hp, and endurance charges and molten shell up, I feel like I still get randomly one and two shotted all the time by cracked mobs.

I guess that's probably just how it goes on builds that don't run spell suppression, though? I haven't played a non-HC build in a while, so I'm used to having tankier builds that do far less damage.

I think part of the problem is maybe I'm just bad at keeping a full 4 endurance charges up and need to get better with my enduring cry usage.
Icingdeath1 wrote:
If you dont use unwavering what are you doing about stuns?

I am using The Brine King Pantheon. I dont feel I need unwavering stance.
cheelos wrote:
DzonyEu wrote:
Hey, Thank you for your guide. Loving this build so far. However am I missing something ? I am summoning ancestral protector totems 1st but then I am able just to summon 2 conc path totems. Multiple totems support does specify that its just the supported skill. Does this mean I will not be able to get 3 conc path totems up ?

Read his guide. Summon multiple totem only decreases your cast rate but your limit cannot exceed. Or else every build would have multiple totems to multiply their limits (would be beyond broken).

You need +1 totem from tree and +1 from shield.

Order: 1 summon of two (2) ancestal protecto for dps, then you summon 2 conc totems, then you summon your vaal ancestral (doesn't count for totem threshold) for a total of 4 totems.

If you mess up, you will have 3 buff totems instead of 2 and 1 conc (I think you end up losing 66% dps?).

Order is good but you should ended up with 1 Protector + 3 Conc + 1 Vaal Warchief. Multiple totems extend the maximum nuber of totems (but only for supported skill).

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