Gman's 3.21 Chieftain Strength Stacker Consec Path / Volcanic Fissure Totems [80 Mil+ Pinnacle DPS]

awesome build.. BUT one big problem.. I am stuck at level 93, because i simply keep dying.. what to do? I feel like I have tried all I can afford? I even managed to squeeze in a defiance banner.. but i still feel very squishy

Please help..

The easiest way to make yourself tankier, because the build has enough DPS no matter what, is to take the atlas tree node which makes enemy mobs deal 25% less dmg in return for them having 50% more health. It makes the annoying enemies that would normally kill you just get you low, and we have a bunch of ways of healing so being low is no problem.

Other than that the biggest improvement to my survival I found was getting +2 to all max resists on my shield, but it is quite hard to do nowadays especially alongside the reservation efficiency mod. (since you have tasalio cleansing water + to maximum fire resistance works well too here)

Simply way to get a higher level- buy a pack of Beachhead map tier 15 ( average price is about 15-17 c for each map ).
Cost of a each map is positive, generally.
With any problems you can sell each item's fragment for 13 c ( excluded belt frag 28 c )/ also chaos/exalt fragments/ and as a bonus you can find fracturing orbs/mirror shards ( rather impossible )/ancient frags/ and finally div card "Endless Night".
Few stats : at level 98 you'll get 1 % of exp/ 97 lev 2 % /96 lev 4 % exp after doing a single map
Have a nice day, buddies:))
Last edited by Varan1971 on Jan 13, 2023, 11:04:39 AM
gmandonnan wrote:
awesome build.. BUT one big problem.. I am stuck at level 93, because i simply keep dying.. what to do? I feel like I have tried all I can afford? I even managed to squeeze in a defiance banner.. but i still feel very squishy

Please help..

The easiest way to make yourself tankier, because the build has enough DPS no matter what, is to take the atlas tree node which makes enemy mobs deal 25% less dmg in return for them having 50% more health. It makes the annoying enemies that would normally kill you just get you low, and we have a bunch of ways of healing so being low is no problem.

Other than that the biggest improvement to my survival I found was getting +2 to all max resists on my shield, but it is quite hard to do nowadays especially alongside the reservation efficiency mod. (since you have tasalio cleansing water + to maximum fire resistance works well too here)

How to deal with spell damage and chaos damage?
Taking the Passive (25% less monster Dmg / 50% more monster life) helped a lot.

I assume chaos dmg can be reduced by getting chaos res somehow on your gear. I dont have that aswell, since i prioritized other stuff first.
I dont have flesh jewels nor the kaom jewel yet, just some decent gear and a useful watchers eye.

How much HP do u have @magnusbard?
I went more on the dmg side since i lack the good jewels and still got 6,1K Hp.

Maybe a rare amulet with increased str/attr and some chaos ress would do the trick aswell.

Is the shield better for auras? since u got the incredible 90% on the helmet.

I hope that helps u somehow, maybe to get a diffrent perspective from the creater of the thread with mirror gear :D

Have a nice day.
Last edited by RobiHobi on Jan 13, 2023, 5:06:27 PM
awesome build.. BUT one big problem.. I am stuck at level 93, because i simply keep dying.. what to do? I feel like I have tried all I can afford? I even managed to squeeze in a defiance banner.. but i still feel very squishy

Please help..

And, remember, good Lethal Pride is also key to success.
There are a lot of appropriate tools to find a fine jewel with good/ very good/ OP stats.
I bought my Lethal Pride for 14 c ( 3 x 5 % str/ 2 x 15 % melee crit. multiplier/20% fire res.
Of course, my tree's setup is well adapted in this configuration
Last edited by Varan1971 on Jan 13, 2023, 11:17:49 AM

this is my pob atm, hmm what should i work in improving more? gems or gear atm? damn the build is really really nice and smooth to play

thank you man

Still really enjoying the build, but am hitting a wall and not sure how to proceed. I think I messed up something in PoB and my damage is no longer showing as high as it was, but I gave up on trying to figure it out. I crafted a decent shield, dropped purity of elements (and embrace my less than capped lightning res and 6-portal playstyle) and it's really not so bad. I put Anger back on and enjoy the damage. I found a really nice synthesized amulet with +18% STR after quality, but can't make the change from astramentis due to attribute requirements of gems and also capping my resistances, but I'm hoping that'll be a nice upgrade in the future when I can figure it out. I tried putting it into PoB and it somehow ended up being a DPS loss and I'm not sure why. Seems like it shouldn't do that?

Undeniable is an obvious DPS increase but I'm short about 70ish divines, so that won't be happening for a while.

I'm currently at a loss of what to prioritize next in terms of upgrades. The build has posed a challenge in getting the right balance of resistances on each piece of gear as I upgrade -- using so many uniques really takes its toll. I still love the build and use it as my main atm, but I just don't know how to proceed. I'd like to be a bit tankier, so maybe I'll try the atlas tree change that was recommended in the last few posts. I was using prismatic skin as my annoint, but I didn't find it made a huge difference even when I had my resistances capped.

Still having fun, just hoping for some guidance and recommendations. Thanks!
Poeticstuff wrote:

Still really enjoying the build, but am hitting a wall and not sure how to proceed. I think I messed up something in PoB and my damage is no longer showing as high as it was, but I gave up on trying to figure it out. I crafted a decent shield, dropped purity of elements (and embrace my less than capped lightning res and 6-portal playstyle) and it's really not so bad. I put Anger back on and enjoy the damage. I found a really nice synthesized amulet with +18% STR after quality, but can't make the change from astramentis due to attribute requirements of gems and also capping my resistances, but I'm hoping that'll be a nice upgrade in the future when I can figure it out. I tried putting it into PoB and it somehow ended up being a DPS loss and I'm not sure why. Seems like it shouldn't do that?

Undeniable is an obvious DPS increase but I'm short about 70ish divines, so that won't be happening for a while.

I'm currently at a loss of what to prioritize next in terms of upgrades. The build has posed a challenge in getting the right balance of resistances on each piece of gear as I upgrade -- using so many uniques really takes its toll. I still love the build and use it as my main atm, but I just don't know how to proceed. I'd like to be a bit tankier, so maybe I'll try the atlas tree change that was recommended in the last few posts. I was using prismatic skin as my annoint, but I didn't find it made a huge difference even when I had my resistances capped.

Still having fun, just hoping for some guidance and recommendations. Thanks!

Maybe u can skill towards Cloth and chain or/and Diamond skin for more open slots to replace resistances to switch to a better belt, im wearing a unique corrupted cyclopean Coil lether belt with 12% attr / implicit +% str/dex. ( which is a cheaper option than those % str belts, maybe corrupt em yourself , otherwise the implicit is expensive)

Other than that, i recommend buying lvl 21/20Q gems, those re quite cheap. Since im quite broke aswell and cannot buy all the awakenened Gems i just use 21/20 gems. You could get another Str % roll on hunter boots, but ofc i see u cap most of your resistances with those boots. Maybe another choice would be a watchers eye with precision att speed roll, those go for 30c+. If u want a anger/ determination roll with it, it gets quite expensive tho.
Maybe u can respec the passives of Shamanistic Fury. Since we stack our damage with Str, i dont know if the 20% totem dmg re worth it.

Other than that, maybe replace your vermillion ring with good str roll and resistances. so u might can switch those boots.

Hope that might help you improve your dmg.

Have a nice evening.
Last edited by RobiHobi on Jan 13, 2023, 4:49:21 PM
Maagna wrote:

this is my pob atm, hmm what should i work in improving more? gems or gear atm? damn the build is really really nice and smooth to play

thank you man

dunno what i am doing wrong and why my dps is only 10mil.
Missing around 300 str, maybe thats why?
Even with awakened gems i am still far away, not even with forbidden combo.
I see alot on POE ninja going with a wave of conviction mine setup!? what is the resaon for this?

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