Weekend Wings and Back Attachment Sale and Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points

zerber3 wrote:
I already bought two cockroaches, but I never received the box
same here, bought a roach, no box

E: got mine now, tyty, and actually got the thing i wanted from the box
Last edited by KiKurASiruSaSH on Sep 9, 2022, 8:25:05 AM
Armor requires more than 300 for the final stage? Bit excessive don't you think?
I haven't made a character with more than 300 in a stat since the passive rework.

The unchanged stat requirements for skills makes that kinda silly. Raw stats are literally the worst passive investment you can make unless your playing a stat stacking build.
"Never trust floating women." -Officer Kirac
Currently I am very excited to see a new newspost, because I am highly entertained by all the "feedback" that is going on. :D

I will gladly spend some of my supporter pack points to get a free Mystery Box. Already bought many Invis mtx this month (no offense but the aura effects all kinda suck visually and banners are ugly af), but gladly gonna buy some other stuff too.

Keep the great work going GGG! Don't give in! I believe in PoE 2 more and more.
Arian Synthesis of G3
Rekill wrote:
Patch 3.19.1. Out yet? It sayd end this week.

It dropped 2 days ago as of this post.
Again, people complaining for fixes in these types of thread are not doing it in the right place.

The devs team work on the fixes SEPARATELY from the MTX team. Two DIFFERENT teams altogether.

If you want to complain and give feedback for fixes, do it in patch notes/patch notes announcement.

I, however, agree that it's poor judgment to promote MTX at this time, but that team have their schedules to respect and to get on with. Part of their job. Whether you choose to spend money on them or not is up to you.
Bellaluna1722 wrote:
Again, people complaining for fixes in these types of thread are not doing it in the right place.

Cause it's the only 'news' GGG provides. Patch notes once a week that ignore all the community feedback given. And it feels like every day they spam mtx offers, as if the game is in a proper state.

They don't bring the game in a playable and fun-spending state, ignore the community, don't communicate and beg for money to be rewarded for it.

It's disgusting.
Last edited by AngryGekko on Sep 9, 2022, 7:55:49 AM
Didn't get a box :P
sweet! I already got almost everything from the box (League has been so fun I just HAD to top up !)

Gonna buy some more boxes now!

No. I will not spend money until the game is fun again.
Beware of the man who works hard to learn something, learns it, and finds himself no wiser than before. He is full of murderous resentment of people who are ignorant without having come by their ignorance the hard way.
I spent a few coins but got no box after 10 hours, what could be wrong?

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