Weekend Wings and Back Attachment Sale and Free Mystery Box When You Spend Points

thanks gyus
Not supporting this vision, sorry.
Especially when players ask 3 main things, you completely ignore all or give back small things.

3.15 was a joke. 3.19 was a disaster. Archnemesis/Ruthless/Crucible(Archnemesis 4.0?) - worst ideas. Ruthless is a joke, a waste of resources. PoE2(exilecon version) was super disappointing.
No. No support for a blind man's vision. The forced divine change is the biggst middle finger to standard players that you could have imagined (I am not affected much but i feel for them) Archnemesis is an antifun pipedream - I have no idea why you cling to it especially to all its componenents even the ones youcant or refuse to fix. And of course harvest.. ItWiLl be BeTteR foR CaSUalPLayers... yea right...
Thanks <3
Cannot participate because coins have ended, Thought that gonna buy pack for this league, but... Sry (
Not supporting this vision, sorry.

No in game money from GGG (Divine orb) - no money from me.

400k mobs - 2 flat Divine orbs. 3 weeks ago from the league start. Playing 2 hours after work.

1000+ Armourer Scrap and 1000+ Blacksmith Whetstone. Why?

P.S. MF character with IIR 180%+ and IIQ 80%+.
Last edited by Vezorx on Sep 9, 2022, 2:19:59 AM
Patch 3.19.1. Out yet? It sayd end this week.

until then the purse strings stay shut (im sure warframe will appreciate my hard earned pounds instead)
X-Clacks-Overhead: GNU Terry Pratchett :'(
6k recently negative reviews on Steam.

Stubborn and ego is the beginning of the fall
Wow new MTX, finally. Game fix when?

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