(RETIRED) [3.20] Sanavi's ☣ Poison BV Trickster ☣ | SSF/HC Viable! ✔️

Oh ok thx mate! for answer :)

I don't believe CWDT + Immortal Call is a waste of time, it adds a lot to our eHP. But to each their own.

For degens, I'm running Abberath for my minor Pantheon, which negates burning ground degen. Helps a lot.

For endgame bossing, you simply need more damage. You current build has around 270k damage per poison - you can do endgame bosses, but the fights will be long and you'll run out of flasks (as you're noticing). DoT builds require closer to 1 mil DoT to start to feel good at endgame bossing. In comparison, I currently have 1.5 mil DoT.

Hope this helps, and good luck scaling the build! :)

Thanks a lot for the reply, I did actually swap to Abberath XD im not sure why i never thought about that at all hahaha.

I will give CWDT and IC a shot... since its not like i dont have the sockets...

Best way to scale up the damage is to get clusters going i assume? I have the clusters im just being lazy.

Thanks a lot for the reply =)
sorry it was nonsense
Last edited by madz9r on Sep 1, 2022, 2:28:53 PM
are despair on hit and malevolence going to override the temporal chains curse effect on asenath's gentle touch ? as I can only have 2 curses
are despair on hit and malevolence going to override the temporal chains curse effect on asenath's gentle touch ? as I can only have 2 curses

Malevolence is not a Curse.
Am i missing something or is there only allocated 30 int for the Blight jewel instead of 40?
Last edited by foleylantz on Sep 3, 2022, 8:47:26 PM
foleylantz wrote:
Am i missing something or is there only allocated 30 int for the Blight jewel instead of 40?

Doesn't need to be allocated, only within the radius.
foleylantz wrote:
Am i missing something or is there only allocated 30 int for the Blight jewel instead of 40?

Doesn't need to be allocated, only within the radius.

Thank you! Sometimes i wonder if i even play this game.

That said the build feels great. Just trying to figure out singletarget damage now as im struggling a little on 83 bosses, was hoping that getting Malevolence online would push it to a decent place but not quite.

For anyone reading this willing to peek at my items, are there any pieces i should prioritze first?

I really recommend everyone to buy one of those mirrored amulets (that doesn't brick your build) with +2 all skills(expensive but cheaper than ashes) or +2 all physical spell skills(dirt cheap). HUGE dps boost for very cheap. Get your resists elsewhere.
Thanks for the build its been lots of fun so far and quite smooth, even upgrading it feels nice and incremental.

Im currently working on getting ashes going so not all optimal just yet but have a bit of wiggle room to upgrade a few things. I'm farming the double corrupts slowly for chest, going to work on corrupting the gloves/dagger as well.

For the belt, I want to hunter slam and wanted advice on chaos dmg vs %life? I will be catalyst with resist (after using catas for the hunter slam) so I feel the extra damage will do more than life.

I did go for a +1 shield and im 5% away from 100% spell suppress, which I might go for an extra node on the tree. Resist need a few harvest crafts to square them away, sadly the ring I got is amethyst so might work on changing that later but good enough for now.

This is my gear right now :)

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