Zizaran's Sentinel Gauntlet Twitch Highlights

the precision this dude has in those clips is insane. This time (like probably always) best man won. ^^

Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Would bet still way further than people making that argument (like you) (really)
You can still join the gauntlet and show them how to play without logout.

you are way too negative and attack people way too soon.

I just think a "no logout" event would be interesting to see how far everyone can really come.

I didn't say anything like:
a) log out is bad
b) log out macro is bad
c) those players are not really that good
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3279646
Last edited by Antigegner on Jul 20, 2022, 9:44:53 AM
Antigegner wrote:

Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Would bet still way further than people making that argument (like you) (really)
You can still join the gauntlet and show them how to play without logout.

you are way too negative and attack people way too soon.

I just think a "no logout" event would be interesting to see how far everyone can really come.

I didn't say anything like:
a) log out is bad
b) log out macro is bad
c) those players are not really that good

Zizaran,quin69 and steelmage did that already during one league and died way more frequently especially to dot effects and when running into a crowd with shield charge etc.

All 3 cursed the no logout rule :D
Zizaran,quin69 and steelmage did that already during one league and died way more frequently especially to dot effects and when running into a crowd with shield charge etc.

All 3 cursed the no logout rule :D

And this is understandable, there is way to much BS in this game, but they shouldn't curse the "no logout" rule, but curse the developers for putting this bad mechanics in the game in the first place.
> Fixed a bug which allowed the Bestiary craft using The Black Morrigan Recipe to not respect item socket rules.

This company can't get any worse.
Antigegner wrote:

Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Would bet still way further than people making that argument (like you) (really)
You can still join the gauntlet and show them how to play without logout.

you are way too negative and attack people way too soon.

I just think a "no logout" event would be interesting to see how far everyone can really come.

As mentioned - already there were such events (actually not events, but it was a friendly bet between Mathil, Zizaran, Steelmage and Quin69 at the start of a SSFHC league about 6-9 months ago). Also, my comment stands - logout is necessary in very few situations, involving endgame bosses with mods typically seen in a SC league where the glass cannons don't care if they die 2-3 times. Their gearing is such that without gauntlet mods, they would likely tank 90% of boss mechanics of non-uber bosses. So, you can take my opinion for "too negative and attacking", just like I can take yours the same, as well as being disrespectful. I think if you had the option of winning a couple of grand using a logout macro, you wouldn't mind ;)

You can also see another such comment how streamers use "third party tools" as if they are cheating. By the way - awakened poe trade is also third party tool/macro, but I bet 99% here use it and don't say a word.

Actually, GGG accepts and consider logout macros while developing new mechanics, is easier to balance the game for them taking into account a player can instalogout (sad but true)
What's the point when everyone plays DD or Seismic Trap... Sigh

Delete Saboteur and Necromancer from the game, thanks.
Affliction and Necropolis are the worst leagues ever to exist. The current game design and direction is atrocious.
Made it to level 75 with storm brand hoag jugg this gauntlet. The scaling difficulty really makes the gauntlet a LOT more fun to play. The further you get you know the more rippy everything will be.
TorsteinTheFallen wrote:
"I have a feeling that if there was a bookie that would take a bet that I'm Exile, Darkee and Mathil will all three make 6L in under 10 fusings when the average requirement for 6L is over a 1000 fusings, you would prob be rich for 1$ bet.
This ain't even funny anymore."

Phantomik wrote:
I had a 6L try in about 3400 fusings this sentinel league, by very very far a record in bad luck in all games I played.

I never had a succesfull 6L in dozens tries (admitedly never had more than cpl hundreds fusingz at a time to try) so after a while i just stopped trying.

Al my 6L in last 8-10 leagues or so are bought...

Last edited by Zenshii on Jul 20, 2022, 5:26:53 PM

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