Zizaran's Sentinel Gauntlet Twitch Highlights

Hostibus wrote:
I have a feeling that if there was a bookie that would take a bet that I'm Exile, Darkee and Mathil will all three make 6L in under 10 fusings when the average requirement for 6L is over a 1000 fusings, you would prob be rich for 1$ bet.
This ain't even funny anymore.

Do people actually belive the clips represent their first ever attempt to link that item?
There are 100s of failed fuses that happened before... Exiles wasnt that far off the average for 28% qual, same for Ben.

It is same way how people turn Brother's Stash and take screenshot of final result to claim it was Emperor's Luck.
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...
“Human decency is not derived from religion. It precedes it.”
― Christopher Hitchens
My QoL List: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3279646
Last edited by Antigegner on Jul 19, 2022, 10:21:24 PM
boring news, come PoE 2 trailer
Fart_Smucker wrote:
Apparently only a handful of people played. Because if not it would just sort of make sense to give other people a shot and have their moments featured and not the same one or two people half a dozen times.

Or these are the most interesting moments from TWITCH STREAMERS. This is only day 4, so more highlights will likely be posted when event ends.

Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Would bet still way further than people making that argument (like you) (really)
You can still join the gauntlet and show them how to play without logout.
Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Mathil doesn't use a logout macro. Or any logging at all. Not that he's anywhere near imexile/ben's level (nobody is), or really into HC in the first place. It just shows you can make it very, very far and even get top 5 in a ascendancy or something without one in a SSFHC event if you're good.

But either way yeah a no logout event would be interesting to see, since so many are used to having it as an escape option.
Last edited by JohnnyMak on Jul 20, 2022, 5:06:14 AM
Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Yeah, it would be nice if all steamers would play without third party tools/macros.
Now it looks like promotion for log out macro.
Antigegner wrote:
would be cool if they (one day) would play it without logout to see how far they would actually (really) come...

Would bet still way further than people making that argument (like you) (really)
You can still join the gauntlet and show them how to play without logout.

Really? Streamers playing thousands of hours are better than "normal" players, even when they use a logout macro? That's a real 5head argument there, but fails to disqualify "logout macros are bad" arguments.
> Fixed a bug which allowed the Bestiary craft using The Black Morrigan Recipe to not respect item socket rules.

This company can't get any worse.
Highlights of 3 players hahahahha
i didnt press logout fast enought

stop playing hc, dude.
Мы и так уже играем в совершенство (с) Achilles2626

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"Мы не хотим забирать ощущение, когда ты кидаешь сферу возвышения на предмет с закрытыми глазами, потому что боишься посмотреть, испортил его или нет. "
doing all the non uber bosses without logging out isn't much of a struggle in non gauntlet guys and steel did a full clear a few leagues back without logging for anything it isn't like its impossible or they can't do it.

I get that it looks really dumb and I agree it is, but I can do most of the content without logging and they are much better player than I am it isn't the wall you are making it out to be - unless you are racing :p

To me this gauntlets been done in by the mods being too easy and the meta being extremely stale, its kinda hard to produce highlights in that environment though obviously things like exile's full clear is extremely impressive.
Last edited by Draegnarrr on Jul 20, 2022, 7:19:44 AM

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