Our 3.19 Expansion Timeline

My QoL wishlist for 3.19:
- loot explosion for timeless splinters from map legions when encounter ends
- loot explosion for breach splinters from map breaches when encounter ends
- abysses goes forward and doesn't travel 500km across the map to reach next point 10meters away

Also please nerf molten strike and glacial hammer - I managed to clear white map in 5mins with these skills on 4links, they are obviously out of control.
Please take traps out of the meta, they are so boring :(

Also buff projectile speed or tweak skills to make it more viable with it :)
will this be a underwater league :O?
Path of Exile: Renegade
pirate league incoming
I have only wish.
Devlop it when its done :D
I can wait even one more month, but for working release version ^^
Can't wait to have melee ignored again, a bunch of ascendancies ignored, some sort of knee-capping nerf to all players, undocumented nerfs, buffs people didn't ask for, no news of poe 2 or poe mobile, and no new news on the NEW loot 2.0 since the original plan was scrapped yet it needed to be in the game years ago. Hope to be proven wrong on all accounts but I also hoped they actually extensively tested stuff before its released, but...
Yeee! That's a nice news! I cant waiting!
My birthday day <3
In order to get rid of clearspeed meta cap global movement speed at 100% but make all skills instant so everything feels great.

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