Well-dressed Exile Competition Winners

gz all!
nrgleon45 wrote:

So actually the question was whether there was a fair and complete review of the participants at all or they simply selected random works as always.
Many premium works of participants(winners) almost do not even use mtx from the main core support packs, just 2-3 participants with 1-2 things and that's it, it was a big unpleasant surprise for me.

The rules didn't address how the winners would be chosen and one could argue that random selection is as 'fair' as any other method.* When it comes to aesthetics there isn't any way to quantify something as being objectively the best. I didn't think all of the winners looked so great either, but different people are going to have different ideas about what looks good.

*Or having the winners chosen by Danny the intern.
And of course all winners have some sort of cashshop transmogs. I had no doubts that F2P players ever stood a serious chance. Can aswell be a who-spent-the-most-on-cashshop contest.
MeridianNight wrote:
And of course all winners have some sort of cashshop transmogs. I had no doubts that F2P players ever stood a serious chance. Can aswell be a who-spent-the-most-on-cashshop contest.

There were two categories, one "natural" (no premium cosmetics) and one "premium" (with premium cosmetics).

The natural category literally had zero cashshop transmogs as those were all not permitted to be submtited to that category.
fun :)

grats to all the winners

What's the name of the helmet plz
Kugim wrote:

What's the name of the helmet plz

judicator supporter , not available anymore
mirror service

Last edited by nrgleon45 on Jul 11, 2022, 2:31:37 PM
MeridianNight wrote:
And of course all winners have some sort of cashshop transmogs. I had no doubts that F2P players ever stood a serious chance. Can aswell be a who-spent-the-most-on-cashshop contest.

so the fact of the matter is that even those who spent a lot of money and took expensive support kits remained almost without a chance, because they simply didn’t choose them at all, but chose random works, you can see my post with other works on page 3 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3289342/page/3#p24671045 , I posted them for comparison with the winners
mirror service

Last edited by nrgleon45 on Jul 11, 2022, 2:38:01 PM
nrgleon45 wrote:
MeridianNight wrote:
And of course all winners have some sort of cashshop transmogs. I had no doubts that F2P players ever stood a serious chance. Can aswell be a who-spent-the-most-on-cashshop contest.

so the fact of the matter is that even those who spent a lot of money and took expensive support kits remained almost without a chance, because they simply didn’t choose them at all, but chose random works, you can see my post with other works on page 3 https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/3289342/page/3#p24671045 , I posted them for comparison with the winners

Are you in reality just sad that you put a lot of effort into your composition and weren't picked for the top 20?

In my opinion some subjectively bad submissions are in the top 20. I am open enough to understand that the jury on GGG's side might like them for what they are.

If you yourself reflect on the fact that not only your subjective taste in MTX was considered for the top20 you might find it easier to accept that your submission didn't make it.
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Congrats to all, hope they do more things like this, was neat

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