Well-dressed Exile Competition Winners

Congrats, all!
Bought that cloak from Tora for 8c many years ago ;)
The other items from vendors as well. Except 2 Bloodseekers. They are from monsters.
Pog! That avatar is so nice!
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Huh , did they really choose these winners? I do not argue there are a few that I like in the winners, but all the rest are complete garbage, which compared to the rest of the participants, they are far behind, I participated in vain, and why the initial deadline for choosing winners was reduced from a couple of weeks to a week, they didn’t even try very hard,because it is impossible to try on all the costumes of the participants in such a time, especially if almost all participants or more than 80% do not write lists of things they wear.(because it would have to try on almost every kind of microtransaction in the game to understand what the participants are using - but they didn't do it or maybe they did, but not for all participants.

This is the first competition with so many microtransactions and which has many different and cool combinations mtx - compared to the last two such contests (when microtransactions were almost non-existent in the store), and because of that, it needs to be carefully and seriously considered, unlike what they are used to usually do - not seriously.

This sloppy attitude is even visible from the screenshots of the winners - because if for each winner they made good screenshots that they presented in the preliminary screenings(with poses and effects and good camera direction), in the end, they did not post half of the winners with good poses, camera direction and scenery, but only those screenshots that were sent by the participants themselves lol , and the other half of the winners were winning from the very beginning at the previews, all the other participants and works just went into the wastebasket.

So actually the question was whether there was a fair and complete review of the participants at all or they simply selected random works as always.
Many premium works of participants(winners) almost do not even use mtx from the main core support packs, just 2-3 participants with 1-2 things and that's it, it was a big unpleasant surprise for me.

I believe that many of these works from the participants deserve attention and places instead of those that won the competition , and some others which are not shown, am i the only one who thinks so?
I am not at all convinced by the choice of finalists)

mirror service

Last edited by nrgleon45 on Jul 11, 2022, 5:34:39 AM
Oh damn! My first time participating and I'm in the top 3... O_o

So happy! I wanted to win so bad for the avatar reward and boy, I'm not disappointed. :D

It was good fun creating this T-mog. gg
SirWrakna wrote:
Oh damn! My first time participating and I'm in the top 3... O_o

So happy! I wanted to win so bad for the avatar reward and boy, I'm not disappointed. :D

It was good fun creating this T-mog. gg

Yours was really sick. Made me almost buy the core set :D
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
lilboat77 wrote:
what outfit is that first one?

Hey it is an outfit around an alternate art alphas howl.

The items used were:

Helmet: Alternate Art Alphas Howl
Gloves: Nightgrip
Boots: Death's Door
Body Armour: Garb of the Ephemeral
Staff: Annihilating Light
‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎Armour Stacking: /view-thread/3410613
‎‎VFB Magic Finder: /view-thread/3522007
Last edited by Jix_91 on Jul 11, 2022, 4:25:43 AM
I know exactly what Nervyr must be thinking..LOL
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Jix_91 wrote:
SirWrakna wrote:
Oh damn! My first time participating and I'm in the top 3... O_o

So happy! I wanted to win so bad for the avatar reward and boy, I'm not disappointed. :D

It was good fun creating this T-mog. gg

Yours was really sick. Made me almost buy the core set :D

Haha, Yeah...that's the reason I got it...I mean look at those boots :P

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