Game Mechanics Q&A Answers

Seriously, adding a DPS dummy in hideout, or showing mob HP in number would solve at least half the questions.

And it's funny people calling hiding the numbers from players "depth". Not being transparent about what's happening doesn't mean it's depth.
ChaosOnFire wrote:
I told my wife to read this thread when she said that the game is stupid and I just run around shooting lights out of my hands.

Joke's on you, she didn't read it, still thinks you're dumb, and you still need to take out the trash.
(2-3-2019) Buff underused skills (3.23?!)+ selfcast, stop nerfing defense, build in threshold jewels (3.23?!), implement D3-style looting, add death log + MTX preview, actually rework flasks, stop balancing around the .01%, unnerf Harvest, ADD NEW WAYS TO LEVEL, finally implement Loot 2.0
Last edited by Ashriel on Jun 19, 2022, 11:31:44 PM
Zero Balance
What is the radius of Profane Bloom explosions?


Does it scale with modifiers to area of effect?


The only question they should answer is; why the fuck do they not include simillar ^ in the tooltips? Is digging up forum posts part of the game?

Why don't Damage over Time effects shatter already frozen enemies?

Because shattering something requires an impact to break the ice.

i like this QnA
[Removed by Support]

Not saying it was me but it was me xD
Why Poisonous Concoction projectiles can "shotgun" but Rolling Magma can't?
ChaosOnFire wrote:
I told my wife to read this thread when she said that the game is stupid and I just run around shooting lights out of my hands.

And did it change her mind, or did she come to the likely conclusion that it's an ridiculously complicated stupid game where you just run around shooting lights out of your hands?


On one hand, always impressive when they do these in-depth mechanics Q and As.

On the other hand, more elegant UI would mean they wouldn't have to.

Eh, perils of working on a game that, UX-wise, never made it out of beta I guess.

NormieGamer1 wrote:
Durf wrote:
I'm sensing some sarcasm here. I'm not going to be that subtle. These are just some of the thousands of questions one could ask about the hidden interactions in this game. Just further confirming the overly bloated state of it all.

If you can't handle a game with depth go play d3

Ah yes, the obligatory evocation of that ole false dichotomy. Because it's impossible to have a game with a balance of satisfying depth and inherent clarity. This whole 'if you can't 'handle' PoE you need to play a game that doesn't have depth' argument is really elitist and basically gives GGG free license to be as confusing as they like, which results in really bad game design. Not to mention the connotation of the word 'handle', as though being able to 'handle' something that's bloated and messy and overly complicated is some sort of laudable skill and saying 'no' to it is some sort of failure.

Telling people sick of PoE's convolutions to go play D3 is a strange hill to die on, but this is far from the first cross I've seen on that unnecessarily reductive Golgotha.


Newsflash: there IS such a thing as too much depth in a game. It's when there's nothing else for the player to hold onto. They have no sense of stability because they feel like they're constantly falling. Whether or not that applies to PoE is, of course, up to the user, but that's not the point. The point is depth for depth's sake is meaningless in anything. It's obnoxious and condescending. It is, ironically, kind of shallow.
The name says it all.
Last edited by 鬼殺し on Jun 20, 2022, 3:56:41 AM
you guys should wright a faq or something...

Is this all the answers? Saddened if my atlas passive tree questions go unanswered :(
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