Game Mechanics Q&A Answers

Kingdweeb wrote:
Can Boneshatter's self-damage be converted(physical to cold, for example) or critically strike?

It cannot be converted because self-damage does not come from your/your skill's stats - if it did all your increased/more damage modifiers would also apply to it. For similar reasons it cannot crit, but stats on you can affect the crit chance of hits you take, so despite it not being able to roll a crit, in theory a future stat that caused all hits you take to be critical strikes would apply.

How does this interact with physical damage taken as X, eg from dawnbreaker, and brittle?

Damage taken can be converted. Converting damage dealt with hits will not effect the self damage but any "Physical Damage taken as" mods will apply.

This is very effective for reaching really high stacks since even characters with massive amounts of armour will actually start losing effective damage reduction when passing 20+ stacks. Reducing the physical damage of the self-hit will increase the effect armour has on it, therefore improving your damage reduction against it.
Last edited by Zalkenth on Jun 12, 2023, 7:03:49 PM
some of those questions could be easiely found out by just testing it (like the corpse limit) or by simply asking the community :/
Lakh wrote:
Anything which says damage is taken from something "before" something else can only work for as much loss as you have of that thing. Excess after the first thing is depleted must be taken from the original thing, just like how normally damage is taken from Energy Shield before life, but a hit which deals more than enough damage to deplete ES will take the remainder from life.

What happens if the nearest totem has 1hp, but you have a second totem with enough life to take the hit fully?

Does the damage cascade onto the second totem, or the player?

Wow that's a good question.

I guess the excess damage would be applied to the player because at that moment when the damage comes in, the second totem just isn't the "nearest one" and isn't considered a target by this passive skill.

The word "nearest" implies that the possibility of having multiple totems was taken into account when the skill and its description were designed. Since they say "must be taken from the original thing" I assume that is just what happens.

But If someone has tried it and made a different observation, please tell me.

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